July 27th, 2021

Video: Megamouth Shark Released Off Taiwan

Oceanic Diel Vertical Movement Patterns of Blue Sharks

Oceanic Diel Vertical Movement Patterns of Blue Sharks

Oceanic Diel Vertical Movement Patterns of Blue Sharks Vary With Water Temperature and Productivity to Change Vulnerability to Fishing Marisa Vedor, Gonzalo Mucientes, Sofia Hernández-Chan, Rui Rosa, Nick Humphries, David W. Sims, Nuno Queiroz ABSTRACT: In the pelagic environment diel vertical movements (DVM) are widespread across taxa, from zooplankton ascending from day-time depths into surface

Sharks on film: an analysis of how shark-human interactions are portrayed in films

Sharks on film: an analysis of how shark-human interactions are portrayed in films

Sharks on film: an analysis of how shark-human interactions are portrayed in films Brianna Le Busque, Carla Litchfield ABSTRACT: Sharks are often a focus of exaggerated news media coverage, with shark-human portrayals and the species typically involved in these interactions being discussed most frequently. This study advanced understanding of sharks in the media by analyzing

The Horizontal Movements of Whale Sharks in the Northern Arabian Sea

The Horizontal Movements of Whale Sharks in the Northern Arabian Sea

First Insights Into the Horizontal Movements of Whale Sharks (Rhincodon typus) in the Northern Arabian Sea Lucy M. Arrowsmith, Charan Kumar Paidi, Farukhkha Husenkha Bloch, Sajan John, Binod Chandra Choudhury, Rahul Kaul, Ana M. M. Sequeira, Charitha B. Pattiaratchi, Mark G. Meekan ABSTRACT: Whale sharks off the western coast of India have suffered high levels

Genetic diversity in two threatened species of guitarfish from the Brazilian and Argentinian coasts

Genetic diversity in two threatened species of guitarfish from the Brazilian and Argentinian coasts

Genetic diversity in two threatened species of guitarfish (Elasmobranchii: Rhinobatidae) from the Brazilian and Argentinian coasts: an alert for conservation Vanessa P. Cruz, Aisni M.C. L. Adachi, Pablo H. Oliveira Giovana, S. Ribeiro, Fabilene G. Paim, Bruno C. Souza, Alexandre S.F. Rodrigues, Marcelo Vianna, Sergio M. Delpiani, Juan Martín Díaz de Astarloa, Matheus M. Rotundo,