May 22nd, 2021

Temporal partitioning in Port Jackson sharks

Temporal partitioning in Port Jackson sharks

Intraspecific variation in diel patterns of rocky reef use suggests temporal partitioning in Port Jackson sharks Nathan Charles Bass, Joanna Day, Tristan L. Guttridge, Nathan A. Knott, Culum Brown ABSTRACT: Limited information exists about the temporal residency patterns of marine predators, especially at the individual level. Temporal partitioning of resources can reduce intra-specific competition, but

Age and growth of the brown-banded bamboo shark

Age and growth of the brown-banded bamboo shark

Age and growth of the tropical oviparous shark, Chiloscyllium punctatum in Indonesian waters Fahmi, Kurniawan W, Tibbetts IR, Oktaviyani S, Dudgeon CL, Bennett MB ABSTRACT: The brown-banded bamboo shark, Chiloscyllium punctatum is the most common shark caught in coastal commercial fisheries throughout southeast Asia, yet we lack the life history information necessary for reliable stock