May 16th, 2021

Reproductive biology of the swell shark

Reproductive biology of the swell shark

Reproductive biology of the swell shark Cephaloscyllium ventriosum (Carcharhiniformes: Scyliorhinidae) Stephanie Bernal‐Pérez, Rosa Isabel Ochoa‐Báez, Felipe Galván‐Magaña, Katherin Soto‐López ABSTRACT: The Cephaloscyllium ventriosum shark is present in the artisanal fisheries of elasmobranchs on the western coast of Baja California Sur, Mexico. The main characteristics of the sexual maturation of this species based on individuals captured

Drivers of Spatial Distributions of Basking Shark in the Southwest Pacific

Drivers of Spatial Distributions of Basking Shark in the Southwest Pacific

Drivers of Spatial Distributions of Basking Shark (Cetorhinus maximus) in the Southwest Pacific Finucci Brittany, Duffy Clinton A. J., Brough Tom, Francis Malcolm P., Milardi Marco, Pinkerton Matthew H., Petersen Grady, Stephenson Fabrice ABSTRACT: Basking sharks (Cetorhinus maximus) were widely reported throughout New Zealand waters. Once commonly observed, and sometimes in large numbers, basking sharks

Improved detection sensitivity using an optimal eDNA preservation and extraction workflow and its application to threatened sawfishes

Improved detection sensitivity using an optimal eDNA preservation and extraction workflow and its application to threatened sawfishes

Improved detection sensitivity using an optimal eDNA preservation and extraction workflow and its application to threatened sawfishes Madalyn K. Cooper, Roger Huerlimann, Richard C. Edmunds, Alyssa M. Budd, Agnès Le Port, Peter M. Kyne, Dean R. Jerry, Colin A. Simpfendorfer ABSTRACT: Pressures on coastal ecosystems are increasing and aquatic species that are restricted to these

Large sharks exhibit varying behavioral responses to major hurricanes

Large sharks exhibit varying behavioral responses to major hurricanes

Large sharks exhibit varying behavioral responses to major hurricanes L.F.G. Gutowsky, James Rider, R.P.Roemer, A.J. Gallagher, M.R. Heithause, S.J. Cooke, N. Hammerschlag ABSTRACT: Under global climate change, storm events are predicted to increase in strength and frequency. Although aquatic animals can be affected by acute natural disturbances, information on the immediate consequences of these weather

Significant differences in trophic niches of smooth hammerhead

Significant differences in trophic niches of smooth hammerhead

Stable isotope and fatty acid analyses reveal significant differences in trophic niches of smooth hammerhead Sphyrna zygaena (Carcharhiniformes) among three nursery areas in northern Humboldt Current System Eduardo Segura-Cobeña​​, Joanna Alfaro-Shigueto, Jeffrey Mangel, Angel Urzua, Konrad Górski​​ ABSTRACT: Fishery pressure on nursery areas of smooth hammerhead in northern Peruvian coast have become a serious threat