Longfin Mako Shark killed in Alabama Tournament

21 July 2011, Shark Year Magazine.

A few days ago, we reported that three specimens of the federally protected sandbar shark were killed on the first day (July 15) of the Alabama Deep Sea Fishing Rodeo ( see here ).

Now the same source is reporting that a longfin mako was caught and killed during the final day of the tournament  ( July 17 ). Below is a photo of the catch.

The longfin mako ( Isurus paucus ) is another federally protected species.

There is no retention permitted for this species, the recreational bag limit is zero.

Here is a pdf file (link) of „Recreational Fishing Regulations for Gulf of Mexico Federal Waters“ with a table of the prohibited sharks on page 9.

Source: al.com
Photo Credit: Press-Register, Chip English 

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