
Study Finds Shark Fins & Meat Contain High Levels of Neurotoxins Linked to Alzheimer’s Disease

Study Finds Shark Fins & Meat Contain High Levels of Neurotoxins Linked to Alzheimer’s Disease

Press Release The Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science University of Miami 29. August 2016 — — — — — — — — — UM research team says restricting shark consumption protects human health and shark populations MIAMI—In a new study, University of Miami (UM) scientists found high concentrations of toxins linked to neurodegenerative

GNPD begins tagging tiger sharks in Galapagos for 2016

GNPD begins tagging tiger sharks in Galapagos for 2016

News Release Galapagos Conservancy 18. July 2016 — — — — — — — Last week, rangers from the Galapagos National Park Directorate (GNPD), in coordination with the Charles Darwin Foundation, began satellite tagging tiger sharks in the central areas of the Archipelago. At sites known for having a high presence of tiger sharks, such

Study shows sharks have personalities

Study shows sharks have personalities

Press Release Macquarie University, Sydney Australia 27. May 2016 – – – – – – – – – – – – For the first time a study led by researchers at Macquarie University has observed the presence of individual personality differences in Port Jackson sharks. A team of researchers from Macquarie’s Department of Biological Sciences

Spotted wobbegong sharks demonstrate social clique behaviour

Spotted wobbegong sharks demonstrate social clique behaviour

News Release Macquarie University, Sydney Australia 02. May 2016 – – – – – – – – – – – – New research suggests that the spotted wobbegong shark aggregates in ‘social’ groups, as opposed to previous assumptions that shark groupings were chance occurrences influenced by available food, mates or other environmental factors. The study,

New insight into white shark behaviour

New insight into white shark behaviour

Media Release Hon Joe Francis MLA Minister for Emergency Services; Fisheries; Corrective Services; Veterans 07. April 2016 ——————— Research data released from nearly 180,000 detections of tagged sharks Tagged sharks monitored by satellite-linked and data-recording receivers Information helps to build picture of shark movements in WA   A seven-year shark monitoring research program has provided a

Where have the largest whale sharks gone?

Where have the largest whale sharks gone?

MEDIA STATEMENT The University of Western Australia (UWA) 23. March 2016 ———————– Researchers from The University of Western Australia and the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) have raised concerns about the whereabouts of the world’s biggest whale sharks after finding that the largest sharks observed in recent years were smaller than those recorded more

Shark bytes: some sharks react more to stress, with potential impacts for humans

Shark bytes: some sharks react more to stress, with potential impacts for humans

Press Release Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia 22. March 2016 ———————- Macquarie University researchers have discovered that some Port Jackson sharks have a greater reaction to stressful situations due to a feature of their brain; a discovery with important implications for when wild sharks come into contact with humans. The study, published in Behavioural Brain Research,

Study Shows Sharkskin Increases Drag by 50 Percent

Study Shows Sharkskin Increases Drag by 50 Percent

Press Release Stony Brook University 15. March 2016 ———————– Stony Brook, NY, March 15, 2016 – The nature of sharkskin with its riblets – the micro-grooved structures found in aircraft wings, wind turbine blades, and Olympic-class swimsuits – seems to suggest a design for speed and streamlined swimming. But a new study led by Stony

Scientists Used High Tech Ultrasound Imaging to Study Tiger Shark Reproduction

Scientists Used High Tech Ultrasound Imaging to Study Tiger Shark Reproduction

Press Release University of Miami 26. February 2016 ———————— Researchers performed in-water ultrasounds on tiger sharks in the wild to study their reproduction MIAMI – Researchers from the University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science and the University of New England used the same ultrasound imaging technology used by medical professionals on

‘Jaws’ may help humans grow new teeth, shark study suggests

‘Jaws’ may help humans grow new teeth, shark study suggests

Press Release The University of Sheffield 13. February 2016 ———————– Study identifies network of genes that help sharks grow new teeth throughout their lifetime Humans possess same cells but tooth regeneration ability is limited Research paves the way for development of therapies for human tooth loss A new insight into how sharks regenerate their teeth,

Study Finds Shark Hotspots Overlap with Commercial Fishing Locations

Study Finds Shark Hotspots Overlap with Commercial Fishing Locations

Press Release University of Miami 25. January 2016 ———————— Researchers tracked movements of sharks and longline fishing vessels in North Atlantic finding significant overlap driving shark declines MIAMI—A new study from an international team of scientists found commercial fishing vessels target shark hotspots, areas where sharks tend to congregate, in the North Atlantic. The researchers

Tagging project confirms Sea of the Hebrides importance to basking sharks

Tagging project confirms Sea of the Hebrides importance to basking sharks

News Release University of Exeter 21. January 2016 ——————— A pioneering three-year project to learn some of the secrets of Scotland’s basking sharks by using satellite tag technology has shown an area off the west coast to be truly important for these giant fish. Sharks tracked during the Basking Shark Satellite Tagging Project tended to

Far-Travelled Shark

Far-Travelled Shark

News Release NAFC Marine Centre University of the Highlands and Islands 14. January 2016 —————— A hound shark caught near Shetland in December had been tagged off the Dutch coast in 2013 The starry smooth-hound (Mustelus asterias) was caught by the Shetland fishing boat Arcturus (skipper Bobby Sandison) while she was fishing in the East

Sand Tiger Shark Nursery Discovered in New York Waters

Sand Tiger Shark Nursery Discovered in New York Waters

Press Release Wildlife Conservation Society ( WCS ) 05. January 2016 ————————- Scientists Discover Nursery Ground for Sand Tiger Sharks In Long Island’s Great South Bay Discovery made by project tracking local sharks since 2012 Research led by WCS’s New York Aquarium NEW YORK (January 5, 2016)—Scientists and veterinarians working for WCS’s New York Aquarium

New Study Suggests Angler Education Can Benefit Sharks

New Study Suggests Angler Education Can Benefit Sharks

Press Release University of Miami 24. November 2015 ————————- Researchers surveyed recreational fishers on attitudes toward shark conservation MIAMI — A new study finds fisher education can help protect vulnerable shark populations. The research, led by University of Miami (UM) Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science scientists, showed that recreational anglers were more supportive