Scientific Papers

Age, growth and reproductive biology of blacktip reef sharks

Age, growth and reproductive biology of blacktip reef sharks

Published online on 19. July 2013 Validated age, growth and reproductive biology of Carcharhinus melanopterus, a widely distributed and exploited reef shark Andrew Chin, Colin Simpfendorfer, Andrew Tobin and Michelle Heupel ABSTRACT : Inadequate life-history information can compromise management of shark populations. The present study examined the life history of blacktip reef sharks (Carcharhinus melanopterus)

Thresher Sharks Use Tail-Slaps as a Hunting Strategy

Thresher Sharks Use Tail-Slaps as a Hunting Strategy

Published online on 10. July 2013 Thresher Sharks Use Tail-Slaps as a Hunting Strategy Oliver SP, Turner JR, Gann K, Silvosa M, D’Urban Jackson T ABSTRACT : The hunting strategies of pelagic thresher sharks (Alopias pelagicus) were investigated at Pescador Island in the Philippines. It has long been suspected that thresher sharks hunt with their

Sexual Dimorphism of the Electrosensory System of the Blue-Spotted Fantail Stingray

Sexual Dimorphism of the Electrosensory System of the Blue-Spotted Fantail Stingray

Published online on 27. June 2013 Sexual Dimorphism of the Electrosensory System: A Quantitative Analysis of Nerve Axons in the Dorsal Anterior Lateral Line Nerve of the Blue-Spotted Fantail Stingray (Taeniura lymma) Kempster R.M., Garza-Gisholt E., Egeberg C.A., Hart N.S., O’Shea O.R., Collin S.P. ABSTRACT: Quantitative studies of sensory axons provide invaluable insights into the

Quantifying massive shark mortality in fish aggregating devices

Quantifying massive shark mortality in fish aggregating devices

Published online on 27. June 2013 Looking behind the curtain: quantifying massive shark mortality in fish aggregating devices John David Filmalter, Manuela Capello, Jean-Louis Deneubourg, Paul Denfer Cowley, and Laurent Dagorn ABSTRACT : Increasing catch rates are considered the main impact of dynamic fisheries practices on marine ecosystems, but other effects can be equally important

Modeling of the Spatial Distribution of Spiny Dogfish in the Gulf of Alaska

Modeling of the Spatial Distribution of Spiny Dogfish in the Gulf of Alaska

Published online on 26. June 2013 Modeling of the Spatial Distribution of Spiny Dogfish (Squalus suckleyi) in the Gulf of Alaska using Generalized Additive and Generalized Linear Models Jason R Gasper, Gordon H. Kruse ABSTRACT : The spiny dogfish (Squalus suckleyi) is a common bycatch species in the Gulf of Alaska. Their spatial distribution is

Changing relative abundance and behaviour of silky and grey reef sharks baited on a Red Sea reef

Changing relative abundance and behaviour of silky and grey reef sharks baited on a Red Sea reef

Published online on 21. June 2013 Changing relative abundance and behaviour of silky and grey reef sharks baited over 12 years on a Red Sea reef C. R. Clarke, J. S. E. Lea and R. F. G. Ormond ABSTRACT: There is a lack of studies on how provisioning may influence shark numbers and behaviour. The

The economic value of shark tourism in Santa Cruz Island Galapagos

The economic value of shark tourism in Santa Cruz Island Galapagos

Published in 2013 Perceptions of the economic value of sharks for single-day dive tourism and commerce in Santa Cruz Island Peñaherrera C, Y Llerena and I Keith INTRODUCTION : …The Galapagos Marine Reserve (GMR) is considered by many as one of the best places for underwater tourism in the world (Sammon, 1992; Scuba Diving, 2000).

The role of CITES in the conservation of marine fishes

The role of CITES in the conservation of marine fishes

Published online on 10. June 2013 The role of CITES in the conservation of marine fishes subject to international trade Amanda C J Vincent, Yvonne J Sadovy de Mitcheson, Sarah L Fowler, Susan Lieberman ABSTRACT: All possible tools need to be marshalled for marine fish conservation. Yet controversy has swirled around what role, if any,

Social networks in elasmobranchs and teleost fishes

Social networks in elasmobranchs and teleost fishes

Published online on 13. June 2013 Social networks in elasmobranchs and teleost fishes Wilson, A. D. M., Croft, D. P. and Krause, J. ABSTRACT: Over the last decade, there has been an exponential increase in studies using social network analysis to describe the structure of animal societies. In this synthesis, we examine the contribution of

Heavy metal levels in blacktip sharks caught in Mexico

Heavy metal levels in blacktip sharks caught in Mexico

Published in June 2013 Concentración de Hg, Pb, Cd, Cr y As en hígado de Carcharhinus limbatus (Carcharhiniformes: Carcharhinidae) capturado en Veracruz, México Mendoza-Díaz, Fernando et al. ABSTRACT: Concentration of Hg, Pb, Cd, Cr and As in liver Carcharhinus limbatus (Carcharhiniformes: Carcharhinidae) captured in Veracruz, Mexico. Pollution by heavy metals in marine ecosystems in the

Patterns of top-down control in a seagrass ecosystem

Patterns of top-down control in a seagrass ecosystem

Published on 03. June 2013 Patterns of top-down control in a seagrass ecosystem: could a roving apex predator induce a behaviour-mediated trophic cascade? Derek A. Burkholder, Michael R. Heithaus, James W. Fourqurean, Aaron Wirsing, Lawrence M. Dill ABSTRACT: Summary The loss of large-bodied herbivores and/or top predators has been associated with large-scale changes in ecosystems

Global economic value of shark ecotourism

Global economic value of shark ecotourism

Published online on 31. May 2013 Global economic value of shark ecotourism: implications for conservation Andrés M. Cisneros-Montemayor, Michele Barnes-Mauthe, Dalal Al-Abdulrazzak, Estrella Navarro-Holm and U. Rashid Sumaila ABSTRACT: Amid declining shark populations because of overfishing, a burgeoning shark watching industry, already well established in some locations, generates benefits from shark protection. We compile reported

New deep-water catshark from the northern New Zealand waters

New deep-water catshark from the northern New Zealand waters

Published online on 14. May 2013 Apristurus garricki sp. nov., a new deep-water catshark from the northern New Zealand waters (Carcharhiniformes: Scyliorhinidae) Keiichi Sato, Andrew L. Stewart & Kazuhiro Nakaya ABSTRACT: A new deep-water catshark, Apristurus garricki sp. nov., is described from northern New Zealand waters. This species is a member of the longicephalus-group and

Fishery Catch Characteristics and Population Assessment of the Mako Shark

Fishery Catch Characteristics and Population Assessment of the Mako Shark

Published on 19. May 2013 Research Article Commercial Fishery Catch Characteristics and Population Assessment of the Shortfin Mako Shark (Isurus oxyrinchus) in the Western North Atlantic Ocean Juan C. Levesque ABSTRACT: Pelagic sharks, an oceanic group of sharks, are an incidental bycatch in many global pelagic longline commercial fisheries, including the U.S commercial longline fishery

Trends in sightings and environmental influences on manta rays and whale sharks

Trends in sightings and environmental influences on manta rays and whale sharks

Published on 22. May 2013 Trends in sightings and environmental influences on a coastal aggregation of manta rays and whale sharks C. A. Rohner, S. J. Pierce, A. D. Marshall, S. J. Weeks, M. B. Bennett, A. J. Richardson ABSTRACT: Sightings of planktivorous elasmobranchs at their coastal aggregation sites are often linked to biological, environmental