Costa Rica’s Chinchilla agrees to form commission to review maritime agencies By Clayton R. Norman, The Tico Times, 4. November 2011 Among the agencies under presidential review is the Costa Rican Fisheries Institute, which is often criticized by environmental groups. President Laura Chinchilla announced on Friday that she will form a commission of experts
NOAA increases northeast skate quota for fishermen by 17 million pounds
Shark Poaching Now Illegal Species protected in Territorial Waters of St. Maarten
European Union More Protection for Porbeagle sharks Lamna nasus
Mid-Atlantic Council Adopts Increase in Spiny Dogfish Quotas for 2012
Man Illegally Catches a great white shark in Mossel Bay Press Release by Oceans Research 16th October, 2011: Mossel Bay — Man illegally catches a Great White Shark On Friday 14th October 2011, Oceans Research received a phone call from local members of the community regarding an incident that was taking place at Beacon Point in
By ABC News,21. October 2011 The shark and gillnet fishing industry is angry at a Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA) decision to enforce larger non- fishing boundaries for a further 18 months. The Authority initially set up the trial near sea lion colonies last April, in an effort to minimise sea lion deaths. It says
Taiwan announces plans to regulate Shark Fishery Published by Taiwan Today – News Ticker, 20. October 2011 The Taiwanese Fisheries Agency said Oct. 19 that it will tightly regulate shark fishing starting next year. In the future, the agency said, it will be illegal for fishermen to collect only shark fins while dumping the
Greater protection for shark, skate and ray The Nature of Scotland – Autumn 2011 – Issue 13 New rules are being drafted to increase the protection of vulnerable species of shark, skate and ray in Scotland. A protection order for the species will go to the Scottish Parliament for approval, which will provide further safeguards
Shark Hunting In Sabah Expected To Become Illegal Early Next Year Published by BERNAMA, 12. October 2011 By early next year, shark hunting is expected to be illegal in Sabah, says State Tourism, Culture and Environment Minister Datuk Masidi Manjun. He said his ministry was ready with the appropriate paperwork after considering seeking a
Ministerial Decision No. (216) for the year 2011on the amendment the Ministerial Decision No. (542) for the year 2008 on the organizing measures for capturing of shark Minister of Environment and Water, Pursuant to the Federal Law No. (1) for the year 1972 on the functions of the ministries and the powers of the ministers
Feasibility of a Spiny Dogfish Fishery in Alaska
St. Maarten bans shark fishing
World’s largest Shark Sanctuary in Marshall Islands
Spiny Dogfish Management Measure Recommendations for 2012 MID-ATLANTIC FISHERY MANAGEMENT COUNCIL M E M O R A N D U M 27 September 2011 The Spiny Dogfish Monitoring Committee (MC) met in Baltimore, MD on September 22, 2011 in conjunction with the ASMFC Spiny Dogfish Technical Committee (TC) to develop management measure recommendations for the