News Release The Australian Greens 30. August 2013 ———————– Greens launch initiative to end cruel shark finning The Australian Greens have today launched a new initiative to help end the cruel practice of shark finning in Australian waters and internationally. “Despite being illegal in Australia, sharks are still being caught and having their fins removed
Below are the preliminary landings estimates in metric tons (mt) and pounds (lb) dressed weight (dw) for the Atlantic shark commercial fisheries. These preliminary estimates are based on dealer reports and other information received from January 1 through August 14, 2013. The estimates include landings by state-only permitted vessels, federally permitted vessels, and the 2013
Press Information Bureau Government of India Ministry of Environment and Forests 23. August 2013 ———————– Prohibition of Removal of Shark Fins in the Sea With a view to stop the inhuman hunting of sharks and to enable the enforcement agencies to monitor the illegal hunting/poaching of the species of Elasmobranchs listed in Schedule I of
American Samoa rejects threat to shark species Published by Radio New Zealand International on 09. August 2013 American Samoa has rejected a United States proposal to list the scallop hammerhead shark as threatened under the Endangered Species Act. Following petitions by environment groups WildEarth Guardians and Friends of Animals, the US National Marine Fisheries
News Release Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) 09. August 2013 ——————— ASMFC Spiny Dogfish & Coastal Sharks Board Approves Coastal Sharks Draft Addendum III for Public Comment ALEXANDRIA, Va. – The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s Spiny Dogfish and Coastal Sharks Management Board approved Draft Addendum III to the Atlantic Coastal Sharks Fishery Management
News Release Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi 22nd July 2013 ———————- Texas A&M-Corpus Christi Develops Plan to Conserve Stingrays, Prevent Growing Threats Worldwide CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas – Some species of stingrays, whose diets occasionally include economically-valuable shellfish, are being considered “pests” to fishermen. One Texas A&M-Corpus Christi scientist says this could lead to a decline in
Parliamentary question 7 May 2013 E-005080-13 Question for written answer to the Commission Rule 117 Diogo Feio (PPE) Subject: Cape Verde: illegal shark fishing by European vessels According to media reports, the Cape Verdean environmental organisation Biosfera I has denounced ‘rampant’ shark fishing by European vessels, in particular by Spanish vessels, in Cape Verde’s Exclusive
Press Release NOAA Fisheries 12. July 2013 —————— NMFS Announces Closure of the Commercial Gulf of Mexico Aggregated Large Coastal Shark and Gulf of Mexico Hammerhead Shark Management Groups Commercial shark dealer reports indicate that the landings for the commercial Gulf of Mexico aggregated large coastal shark (LCS) management group have exceeded 80 percent of
A Judge ruled that the State’s case was proven at a recent case brought before Donegal Town District Court - Mr Shane Curran, the Master of the fishing vessel the Velvet Chord II, was ordered to pay €500 to a conservation group. The case was in relation to a suspected landing of common skate, an endangered species under EU...
Press Release WildEarth Guardians 08. July 2013 ——————– WildEarth Guardians Launches Major Campaign to Protect Marine Biodiversity Campaign aims to stem extinction crisis in the world’s oceans. WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today WildEarth Guardians submitted a formal petition to the National Marine Fisheries Service (“NMFS”) seeking protection for 81 imperiled marine species under the Endangered Species
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife; 12-Month Finding on Petitions To List the Northeastern Pacific Ocean Distinct Population Segment of White Shark as Threatened or Endangered Under the Endangered Species Act A Notice by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) on 03. July 2013 ———————– ACTION : Notice Of 12 Month Finding And Availability Of Status
NOAA Fisheries today issued a final determination that the northeastern Pacific Ocean white shark (Carcharodon carcharias) population is not in danger of extinction and does not warrant listing under the Endangered Species Act.
Press Release The State of Queensland Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry 26. June 2013 ——————— Wide-Bay Burnett fishers net big fine Two men have been convicted and fined for separate fisheries offences in Bundaberg Magistrates Court. Queensland Boating and Fisheries Patrol (QBFP) District Manager Greg Bowness said collectively the men were fined $20,500. “A
Today, the Council adopted an amending regulation on the removal of fins of sharks on board vessels following a first reading agreement with the European Parliament (76/12). The Portuguese delegation voted against. This text aims to eliminate existing derogations to the ban on "shark finning".
Press Release European Parliament 30. May 2013 ——————– Measures to stop overfishing and ban discards, Parliament’s key common fisheries policy (CFP) reform aims, have been safeguarded in a deal struck by Parliament and Council negotiators on Thursday. The deal should allow a more sustainable common fisheries policy to take effect on time, at the start