CITES Proposal submitted to protect all sharks in the family Carcharhinidae


No. 2022/043

Geneva, 30 May 2022

Proposals to amend Appendices I and II
Consultation with range States

1. This Notification is being published at the request of Panama

2. Panama has submitted a proposal, for consideration of the 19th meeting of the Conference of the Parties, to the Secretariat to include the grey reef shark (Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos), dusky shark (C. obscurus), smalltail shark (C. porosus), Ganges shark (Glyphis gangeticus), sandbar shark (C. plumbeus), Borneo shark (C. borneensis), Pondicherry shark (C. hemiodon), smoothtooth blacktip shark (C. leiodon), sharptooth lemon shark (Negaprion acutidens), Caribbean reef shark (C. perezi), daggernose shark (Isogomphodon oxyrhynchus), night shark (C. signatus), whitenose shark (Nasolamia velox), blacknose shark (C. acronotus), whitecheek shark (C. dussumieri), lost shark (C. obsoletus), Pacific smalltail shark (C. cerdale), Borneo broadfin shark (Lamiopsis tephrodes) and the broadfin shark (Lamiopsis temminckii) in Appendix II in accordance with Article II paragraph 2(a) of the Convention and satisfying Criterion A and B in Annex 2a of Resolution Conf. 9.24 (Rev. CoP17). All are assessed as Endangered or Critically Endangered on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, as a result of unsustainable fishing mortality driven at least partly by international trade demand for their products. This categorization is based on evidence of population reduction due to fisheries exploitation, habitat deterioration, conservative life history characteristics and international trade demand for their products.

3. The proposal also includes all other species in the family Carcharhinidae (requiem sharks): Genus Carcharhinus, Genus Isogomphodon, Genus Loxodon, Genus Nasolamia, Genus Lamiopsis, Genus Negaprion, Genus Prionace, Genus Rhizoprionodon, Genus Scoliodon, Genus Triaenodon and any other putative species of family Carcharhinidae in Appendix II in accordance with Article II paragraph 2(b) of the Convention and satisfying Criterion A in Annex 2b of Resolution Conf. 9.24 (Rev. CoP17).

4. Accordingly, Panama requests range States to provide any available information on the conservation status (distribution, population size, structure, and trends), and on legal domestic trade and international trade of specimens, parts, and derivatives, as well as information on illegal trade (seizures and confiscations).

5. All range States are invited to submit their responses to this Notification by Friday 10 June, directly to Panama’s CITES Management Authority (not to the Secretariat).

6. We also invite all Parties who wish to be a co-proponent on this proposal to send your confirmation to the CITES Secretariat and posted as a hard copy, along with an email copy to the Management Authority of Panama.

Source: CITES

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