November 27th, 2022

Parthenogenesis in an elasmobranch in the presence of conspecific males

Parthenogenesis in an elasmobranch in the presence of conspecific males

Parthenogenesis in an elasmobranch in the presence of conspecific males K.A. Feldheim, J. Dubach, L. Watson ABSTRACT: Parthenogenesis has been observed in several elasmobranch species, primarily in public aquaria. The majority of cases of parthenogenesis have occurred either when females were held without males or once a male was removed from a female’s habitat. Here

Seventy years of tunas, billfishes, and sharks as sentinels of global ocean health

Seventy years of tunas, billfishes, and sharks as sentinels of global ocean health

Seventy years of tunas, billfishes, and sharks as sentinels of global ocean health Maria José Juan-Jordá, Hilario Murua, Haritz Arrizabalaga, Gorka Merino, Nathan Pacoureau, Nicholas K. Dulvy ABSTRACT: Fishing activity is closely monitored to an increasing degree, but its effects on biodiversity have not received such attention. Using iconic and well-studied fish species such as

Multi-year effects of wildlife tourism on shark residency and implications for management

Multi-year effects of wildlife tourism on shark residency and implications for management

Multi-year effects of wildlife tourism on shark residency and implications for management Yuri Niella, Vinay Udyawer, Michael Drew, Brett Simes, Hugh Pederson, Charlie Huveneers ABSTRACT: Wildlife tourism can assist species conservation through community-involvement and education, while contributing to regional economies. In the last decade, shark diving has become increasingly popular among wildlife tourists worldwide, including

‘A human values issue’: Actors, arguments, and regulatory change in the Florida land-based shark fishery

‘A human values issue’: Actors, arguments, and regulatory change in the Florida land-based shark fishery

‘A human values issue’: Actors, arguments, and regulatory change in the Florida land-based shark fishery Julia Wester, Dylann Turffs, David Shiffman, Catherine Macdonald ABSTRACT: Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 1– 17. DOI: 10.1002/aqc.3896 SOURCE