March 27th, 2022

Drivers of at-vessel mortality of the blue shark and oceanic whitetip shark

Drivers of at-vessel mortality of the blue shark and oceanic whitetip shark

Drivers of at-vessel mortality of the blue shark (Prionace glauca) and oceanic whitetip shark (Carcharhinus longimanus) assessed from monitored pelagic longline experiments Yoluène Massey, M.Sc., Philippe S. Sabarros, and Pascal Bach ABSTRACT: Elasmobranchs make up a significant part of bycatch in pelagic longline fisheries, whose induced mortality can be a major threat to endangered species.

Marine-climate interactions with the blue shark catches in the western coast of Baja California

Marine-climate interactions with the blue shark catches in the western coast of Baja California

Marine-climate interactions with the blue shark (Prionace glauca) catches in the western coast of Baja California Peninsula, Mexico Carlos Javier Godínez-Padilla, José Leonardo Castillo-Géniz, Benigno Hernández de la Torre, Luis Vicente González-Ania, Marlon H. Román-Verdesoto ABSTRACT: Fishery and size data by sex of 28,110 blue sharks (Prionace glauca) from 2162 longline sets documented by observers

Occurrence and population structure of sharks in two ecologically or biologically significant marine areas off north-eastern Brazil

Occurrence and population structure of sharks in two ecologically or biologically significant marine areas off north-eastern Brazil

Occurrence and population structure of sharks in two ecologically or biologically significant marine areas off north-eastern Brazil Laís R. Barcellos, Rodrigo Barreto, Rosângela PT Lessa ABSTRACT: Ecologically or Biologically Significant Marine Areas (EBSAs) are rare, and highly important sites to the life history of a number of declining shark species are endangered by fishing. The

Age and Growth of the Spot-Tail Shark in the Taiwan Strait

Age and Growth of the Spot-Tail Shark in the Taiwan Strait

Age and Growth of the Spot-Tail Shark, Carcharhinus sorrah, in the Taiwan Strait Joung S-J, Hsu Z-Y, Su K-Y, Liu K-M. ABSTRACT: The age and growth of the spot-tail shark, Carcharhinus sorrah, were estimated based on 327 specimens (171 females and 156 males) captured by the coastal/offshore longline or drift net fishery in the waters