Biometric Diversity of Chondrichthyes Caught by Bengkulu City Fishermen

Published on
23. June 2021

Biometric Diversity of Chondrichthyes Caught by Bengkulu City Fishermen Observed at the Fish Auction Site (TPI) Pulau Baai Bengkulu

Novia Duya, Risma Hurhidayah, Jarulis


Fish is an aquatic animal that has a high diversity. Baai Island Fish Auction Place (TPI) is a fish landing place used as the largest fishing center in the city of Bengkulu. The purpose of this study was to determine the diversity and morphometric characteristics of the different types of Chondrichthyes fish caught by fishermen in Baai Island, Bengkulu City. Sampling was conducted from October-November 2019 with a frequency of once a week using the direct survey method. The fish samples obtained were measured and observed for their morphology and preserved using 70% alcohol. Measurement data were analyzed using software Minitab 16 and morphological observation data were analyzed descriptively. The results showed that there were four orders, six families, seven genera and 10 species. The best PC combination to separate genera of sharks and rays is the combination of PC3 and PC4. The best combination of characters that can separate shark species (genus Carcharhinus) is a combination of PL (pradorsal length) with HL (head length), DFH (dorsal fin height) with HL (head length), DFH (dorsal fin height) with HH (head height), and HL (head length) with HH (head height). The best combination of characters that can separate stingrays (genus Himantura) is the combination of TL (total length) with HL (head length), PFL (pectoral fin length) with AFL (Abdominal fin length), and TSL (tail shaft length) with DL (disc length). In the observation of shark morphology, the most body shape found is the torpedo shape (fusiform) and the most common type of tail fin is the epicercal tail type. Whereas in the observation of the morphology of stingrays, the most body shape found was depressiform and the most common type of tail fin was long tail fin like a whip.

Advances in Biological Sciences Research, volume 14Proceedings of the 3rd KOBI Congress, International andNational Conferences, DOI: 10.2991/absr.k.210621.011


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