October 31st, 2021

Observations of sharks at Europa Island

Observations of sharks at Europa Island

Observations of sharks (Elasmobranchii) at Europa Island, a remote marine protected area important for shark conservation in the southern Mozambique Channel Mireille M. M. Guillaume, Bernard Séret ABSTRACT: Sharks have declined worldwide and remote sanctuaries are becoming crucial for shark conservation. The southwest Indian Ocean is a hotspot of both terrestrial and marine biodiversity mostly

Feeding ecology has shaped the evolution of modern sharks

Feeding ecology has shaped the evolution of modern sharks

Feeding ecology has shaped the evolution of modern sharks Mohamad Bazzi, Nicolás E. Campione, Benjamin P. Kear, Catalina Pimiento, Per E. Ahlberg SUMMARY: Sharks are iconic predators in today’s oceans, yet their modern diversity has ancient origins. In particular, present hypotheses suggest that a combination of mass extinction, global climate change, and competition has regulated

Papua New Guinea National Plan of Action on Sharks and Rays 2021 – 2024

Papua New Guinea National Plan of Action on Sharks and Rays 2021 – 2024

Papua New Guinea National Plan of Action on Sharks and Rays 2021 – 2024 Government of Papua New Guinea (2021) PDF-DOWNLOAD

Mercury and Cadmium Concentrations in Muscle Tissue of the Blue Shark

Mercury and Cadmium Concentrations in Muscle Tissue of the Blue Shark

Mercury and Cadmium Concentrations in Muscle Tissue of the Blue Shark (Prionace glauca) in the Central Eastern Pacific Ocean Rubén D Castro-Rendón, Marcos D Calle-Morán, Isabel García-Arévalo, Alfredo Ordiano-Flores, Felipe Galván-Magaña ABSTRACT: Blue sharks (Prionace glauca) are an important resource in Ecuador’s fisheries; however, biological and ecological information of this species in the area is

Elasmobranch Responses to Experimental Warming, Acidification, and Oxygen Loss

Elasmobranch Responses to Experimental Warming, Acidification, and Oxygen Loss

Elasmobranch Responses to Experimental Warming, Acidification, and Oxygen Loss—A Meta-Analysis Catarina Pereira Santos, Eduardo Sampaio, Beatriz P. Pereira, Maria Rita Pegado, Francisco O. Borges, Carolyn R. Wheeler, Ian A. Bouyoucos, Jodie L. Rummer, Catarina Frazão Santos, Rui Rosa ABSTRACT: Despite the long evolutionary history of this group, the challenges brought by the Anthropocene have been

Whale shark rhodopsin adapted to its vertically wide-ranging lifestyle

Whale shark rhodopsin adapted to its vertically wide-ranging lifestyle

Whale shark rhodopsin adapted to its vertically wide-ranging lifestyle Kazuaki Yamaguchi, Mitsumasa Koyanagi, Keiichi Sato, Akihisa Terakita, Shigehiro Kuraku ABSTRACT: Spectral tuning of visual pigments often facilitates adaptation to new environments, and it is intriguing to study the visual ecology of pelagic sharks with expanded habitats. The whale shark, which dives into the deep sea

Preparation and Evaluation of the Curative Effect of Blue Shark Skin Collagen Composite Gel

Preparation and Evaluation of the Curative Effect of Blue Shark Skin Collagen Composite Gel

Preparation and Evaluation of the Curative Effect of Blue Shark (Prionace glauca) Skin Collagen Composite Gel in a Rat Oral Ulcers Model Huang, Meineng; Jiang, Sheng; Chen, Tong; Han, Xu; Yang, Xinyu; Quan, Zhizen; Yuan, Yang; Li, Jing; Deng, Kehan; Li, Tiejun ; Cao, Zhizhong; Wei, Yibo ; ABSTRACT: Objective: To evaluate the curative effect

Demon Monsters or Misunderstood Casualties?

Demon Monsters or Misunderstood Casualties?

Demon Monsters or Misunderstood Casualties? Writing about Sharks in Australia Donna Lee Brien ABSTRACT: Over the past century, many books for general readers have styled sharks as “monsters of the deep” (Steele). In recent decades, however, at least some writers have also turned to representing how sharks are seriously threatened by human activities. At a

The sharks and rays of Palau

The sharks and rays of Palau

The sharks and rays of Palau: biological diversity, status, and social and cultural dimensions Katelyn Hari, Vanessa Jaiteh B, Andrew Chin ABSTRACT: Anthropogenic pressures have been increasing on shark and ray populations globally, and their conservation and management can be compromised by lack of information on their diversity and status of species. This study presents

Nanolatticed Architecture Mitigates Damage in Shark Egg Cases

Nanolatticed Architecture Mitigates Damage in Shark Egg Cases

Nanolatticed Architecture Mitigates Damage in Shark Egg Cases Rubayn Goh, Scott P. O. Danielsen, Eric Schaible, Robert M. McMeeking, J. Herbert Waite ABSTRACT: Structural versatility and multifunctionality of biological materials have resulted in countless bioinspired strategies seeking to emulate the properties of nature. The nanostructured egg case of swell sharks is one of the toughest

Small localized breeding populations in a widely distributed coastal shark species

Small localized breeding populations in a widely distributed coastal shark species

Small localized breeding populations in a widely distributed coastal shark species B.D. Postaire, K. A. Feldheim, G. M. Clementi, J. Quinlan, M. P. M. van Zinnicq Bergmann, E. J. Brooks, R. D. Grubbs, T. L. Guttridge, A. C. Henderson, R. Tavares, D. D. Chapman ABSTRACT: Identifying the geographical scale at which natural populations structure themselves

Bias-corrected citizen science data inform habitat suitability for the angelshark

Bias-corrected citizen science data inform habitat suitability for the angelshark

Modelling Critically Endangered marine species: Bias-corrected citizen science data inform habitat suitability for the angelshark (Squatina squatina) Nicola Noviello, Christopher McGonigle, David M. P. Jacoby, Eva K. M. Meyers, David Jiménez-Alvarado, Joanna Barker ABSTRACT: As an increasingly important resource in ecological research, citizen scientists have proven dynamic and cost-effective in the supply of data for

Microplastics in fecal samples of whale sharks

Microplastics in fecal samples of whale sharks

Microplastics in fecal samples of whale sharks (Rhincodon typus) and from surface water in the Philippines Yong, M.M.H., Leistenschneider, C., Miranda, J.A. et al. ABSTRACT: Marine plastic abundance has increased over the past 60 years and microplastics (< 5 mm) constitute a primary component of such litter. Filter-feeding megafauna, such as the whale shark, might be particularly affected