Growth pattern, condition factor and sex ratio of Grey Reef Shark in Makassar Strait

Growth pattern, condition factor and sex ratio of Grey Reef Shark Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos (Bleeker,1856) in Makassar Strait

N L Rapi, A Mallawa, J Tresnati, F Amir


Shark has been a sought-after species by fishermen due to its high economic value in the International market. It has increased shark’s fishing pressure on its wild population. Local fishermen are more likely to catch a grey reef shark rather than other fish commodities. The present study aimed to describe the length and weight relationships (LWRs), growth pattern, and sex ratio of Grey Reef Shark shark Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos (Bleeker, 1856) caught in Makassar Strait. Sampling was conducted from September to November 2019. The results showed that the total length of sharks caught ranged between 18 cm – 235 cm and weight between 1 kg – 120 kg. The growth pattern of the graceful shark was negative allometric growth, and the relative condition factors for males and females were 0.3131 – 2.4813 and 0.2965 – 1.6244, respectively. The sex ratio between males and females was 1:1.33.

IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 564 012016


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