December 27th, 2020

Novel use of pop-up satellite archival telemetry in sawsharks

Novel use of pop-up satellite archival telemetry in sawsharks

Novel use of pop-up satellite archival telemetry in sawsharks: insights into the movement of the common sawshark Pristiophorus cirratus (Pristiophoridae) Patick J. Burke, Johann Mourier, Troy F. Gaston, Jane E. Williamson ABSTRACT: Background Understanding movement patterns of a species is vital for optimising conservation and management strategies. This information is often difficult to obtain in

Understanding Sharks in Hawaiian Culture

Understanding Sharks in Hawaiian Culture

Pua ka wiliwili, nanahu ka manō: Understanding Sharks in Hawaiian Culture Noelani Puniwai ABSTRACT: Kanaka Maoli (Indigenous Hawaiians) are blessed with a written literature that documents observations and relationships with their environment in the form of chants, stories, and genealogies passed down orally for centuries. These literatures connect them to their ancestral knowledge and highlight

Age, Growth, and Sexual Maturity of the Crocodile Shark

Age, Growth, and Sexual Maturity of the Crocodile Shark

Age, Growth, and Sexual Maturity of the Crocodile Shark, Pseudocarcharias kamoharai, From the Eastern Atlantic Ocean Richard Kindong, Haozhan Wang, Feng Wu, Xiaojie Dai, Siquan Tian ABSTRACT: To better manage fish stocks, fisheries scientists use various data, including age and growth, to inform stock assessments and provide management advice. However, many non-targeted species, important to

The power struggle: assessing interacting global change stressors via experimental studies on sharks

The power struggle: assessing interacting global change stressors via experimental studies on sharks

The power struggle: assessing interacting global change stressors via experimental studies on sharks Ian A. Bouyoucos, Sue-Ann Watson, Serge Planes, Colin A. Simpfendorfer, Gail D. Schwieterman, Nicholas M. Whitney & Jodie L. Rummer ABSTRACT: Ocean warming and acidification act concurrently on marine ectotherms with the potential for detrimental, synergistic effects; yet, effects of these stressors