The business study of shark fishing with bottom longline in Kutaraja Fishing Port

Published on
22. November 2019

The business study of shark fishing with bottom longline in Kutaraja Fishing Port of Banda Aceh, Indonesia

M A Chaliluddin, D Rianjuanda, R M Aprilla, L Afriani, R Fachruddin


Kutaraja Fishing Port is the largest fishing port in Aceh Province located in Lampulo, Banda Aceh. Shark fishing in Aceh is very beneficial for fishermen from the economic aspect. There are four fishing shark fleets that actively land their catches at Kutaraja Fishing Port, the fishing gear used is bottom longline with 5 and 6 GT vessels. The study was conducted from November to December 2017 which aims to determine the feasibility of catching shark business with bottom longline fishing gear at Kutaraja Fishing Port. The results of the business feasibility analysis on the four vessels operating in Kutaraja Fishing Port, Monek II with NPV value of US$ 13,534.95 (US$=IDR 13000) IRR of 25.39%, and net B/C ratio of 2.07, Rizki the NPV value was US$ 5,532.42, IRR is 15.35% and net B/C ratio is 1.45, Monek I the NPV value is US$ 10,290.80, IRR is 17.59% and B/C ratio is 2.10, and Bungber’s 02 NPV value amounting to US$ 11,104.21, IRR of 30.36% and net B/C ratio of 2.31. Discount factor used is 4.75%. Based on the calculation of NPV, net B/C ratio, and IRR, the business of catching sharks with bottom longlines in Kutaraja Fishing Port is profitable and deserves to be continued.

IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 348 012090, DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/348/1/012090


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