Shark fisheries and trade characteristic in North Maluku

Published on
22. November 2019

Shark fisheries and trade characteristic in North Maluku, Indonesia

M Ichsan, B M Simeon, E Muttaqin, S Ula and H Booth


The waters of North Maluku Province are known as a hotspot for sharks in Indonesia. However, despite the richness and importance of shark population in this area, information about shark fisheries and trade remains limited. The aim of this research was to fill this knowledge gap by identifying the characteristics of shark fisheries and trade in this region. We conducted interviews and field observations during August 2017 in two case study regencies: South Halmahera and Morotai. The result show that targeted shark fishing is practiced in Mano village, Gomumu Island, South Halmahera and Posi-posi and Leo-leo Villages of Rao Island, Morotai Island. Mano village’s fishery consists of 48 vessels, with the main fishing grounds in Halmahera and Papua waters. Posi-Posi and Leo-Leo Villages operate a fleet of 12 vessels, within the main fishing ground in northern Morotai waters. We identified two traders of shark products in Morotai Island Regency, and seven traders in South Halmahera Regency. The primary traded commodities are shark fins and meat, predominantly. Fins are transported by boat to traders in Manado, Surabaya, Bau-Bau and Makassar, while meat is sold on to traders in Jakarta. We expect that the results of this research can be used to direct attention and resources towards managing shark fisheries and trade in North Maluku Province in the future.

IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci.348 012013. DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/348/1/012013


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