November 30th, 2017

Investigation of fine-scale white shark movement in South-West Australia

Investigation of fine-scale white shark movement in South-West Australia

Investigation of fine-scale white shark movement with potential for identification of white shark pupping grounds in South-West Australia A report for the Western Australian Government for Exemption Permit 2887 Dr. Jonathan M Werry, 2017 PDF-DOWNLOAD  

Spatial separation without territoriality in shark communities

Spatial separation without territoriality in shark communities

Published on 16. November 2017 Spatial separation without territoriality in shark communities Yannis P. Papastamatiou, Thomas W. Bodey, Alan M. Friedlander, Christopher G. Lowe, Darcy Bradley, Kevin Weng, Victoria Priestley, Jennifer E. Caselle ABSTRACT: Spatial separation within predator communities can arise via territoriality but also from competitive interactions between and within species. However, linking competitive