ASMFC Coastal Sharks Board Approves Addendum IV to the FMP

News Release

Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission

04. August 2016

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Alexandria, VA – The Coastal Sharks Management Board approved Addendum IV to the Interstate Fishery Management Plan (FMP) for Atlantic Coastal Sharks. The Addendum amends the FMP to allow smooth dogfish carcasses to be landed with corresponding fins removed from the carcass as long as the total retained catch on board at the time of landing is composed of at least 25 percent smooth dogfish. Trips that do not meet the 25 percent catch composition requirement can land smooth dogfish, but the fins must remain naturally attached to the carcass. Naturally attached is defined as attached to the corresponding shark through some portion of uncut skin.

Through the Board’s action, the Addendum maintains consistency between federal and state shark FMPs and better incorporates the intent of the smooth dogfish limited exception in the Shark Conservation Act of 2010 (SCA) into state regulations. States are required to implement the Addendum’s management measure by January 1, 2017.

Source: ASMFC


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