Species composition and aspects of the biology of Orectolobiformes from Indonesian waters
Published online on 26. December 2014
Species composition and aspects of the biology of Orectolobiformes from Indonesian waters
Dharmadi, Fahmi, W. T. White
The biological aspects of members of the order Orectolobiformes exploited in Indonesian waters are given. Seven species belonging to five families were recorded in the catches at various landing sites in southern Indonesia. Of these, Chiloscyllium punctatum was the most abundant species landed, contributing >50% of the number of orectolobiforms recorded. The biological data obtained varied greatly between the species listed. The total length (LT) at maturity for some species, e.g. C. punctatum and Nebrius ferrugineus, varied from that which has been previously recorded for those species in other regions. This highlights the need for regional-specific biological data for fisheries managers and conservation assessors.
Journal of Fish Biology. doi: 10.1111/jfb.12569