Possible Attack Incident in Italy

(ANSAmed) – CAGLIARI, April 7 – It will take at least 60 days at the medical examiner Roberto Demontis to figure out if they were the two deep wounds in the hip and shoulder, compatible with the attack of a shark, to cause the death of Eugenio Masala, the sub Cagliari 43 years (resident in Trento), whose lifeless body was recovered on April 3 to 70 meters deep after a dive on 29 March in front of the military polygon of Quirra. The autopsy, which was highlighted in the morning, did not find in the lungs a quantity of water such as to suggest a drowning, but even on this – as on the assumption of the attack shark – the Prosecution urges caution, at least before the examinations are concluded. The two wounds (twenty centimeters wide and 14 deep) would still be compatible with the bite of a big fish, as well as the marks left on the outline of the sub. The problem, however, is that the sub had disappeared on March 29 during a dive and that, therefore, for six days, his body remained at sea: the attack, therefore, may have happened already when the vital functions had ceased . It ‘just that the medical examiner is trying to find out through the histological solicited by prosecutor Enrico Lussu, in addition to ascertaining the cause of death. Among the cases being considered by the consultant would also include embolism or an illness. Within clarify also the correct operation of the cylinders of depth and dispenser air that the sub wore for the dive at that depth. The answers to all the questions will come out only by histological examination for which the expert of the Prosecutor has obtained two months. (ANSA. 07. April 2015).


and Massimo Diodato


  1. salvo

    Hello, Have you, by any chance under observation, shark species present or low Mediterranean?

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