WA: Legal challenge over sharks begun

Media Statement

Hon Lynn MacLaren MLC ( WA Greens )

26. February 2014


The Greens say that today’s legal challenge by Sea Shepherd to the Barnett Government’s shark cull, relating to the legality of exemptions granted under State laws, is a powerful blow to the cull.

“The Government’s lack of consultation, absence of scientific foundation, its back door exemption letter from the Federal Minister while Parliament was in recess over Christmas and its running roughshod over State laws that protect wildlife and fisheries, triggered a blaring alarm for those who have a sense of proper process,” Greens MLC Lynn MacLaren said.

“The Greens always thought this smelled rotten. From day one it was apparent that the Government had failed to properly research and prepare this policy.

“Assistance from the legal community and donations from the community have made it possible to bring this legal challenge but the battle won’t be over until we have ruled out the indiscriminate killing of sharks as a method to ensure human safety.

“Our next challenge is to stop the use of drum lines or any other form of indiscriminate shark killing once and for all as a shark mitigation strategy.

“Instead we need measures that do provide protection, rather than making our beaches more dangerous. This includes more shark tagging and refinements to our already state-of-the-art beach alert warning system; education about shark risks and how to minimise them; shark repellent and shark-proof enclosures with appropriate and continuous research into shark behaviours.  

“I would also like to see the State Environmental Protection Authority resolve that it is unacceptable to kill large sharks just because they are swimming in our coastal waters.”

“I congratulate Sea Shepherd and Dr Burden for taking this action to stop the slaughter of these sharks,” said Senator Rachel Siewert.

“It is obviously up to the community to act given that the state and federal governments are failing to protect our marine life.”

Source: Lynn MacLaren MLC

Note by Shark Year Magazine:

Please see the related news-video below ( uploaded by 7NEWS on 25. Feb 2014 )

Legal action over shark cull
The Sea Shepherd has taken legal action against WA’s controversial shark cull.


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