SAS Peoples International Shark Attack File and the International Shark Attack File
SAS Peoples International Shark Attack File and the International Shark Attack File
At our sister site we added a new feature. We took all the incidents from 1997 to current and displayed them in an easy to understand yearly table. We also added the figures from the ISAF to the table.
There are several different categories between the two which I will try to explain some of them.
- We use one category called “Injured” the person was injured.
- Another category is “No Injury or “Harassed” no one was injured.
- Another category is “Fatal” A shark may have killed or eaten a human.
The International Shark Attack File uses its own categories.
The main category is “Confirmed to be Unprovoked Shark Attack” which is where all the statistics come from.
The International Shark Attack File uses incidents from all our categories to compile their “Confirmed to be Unprovoked Shark Attack”
A person injured, not injured, or killed may or may not become a “Confirmed to be Unprovoked Shark Attack”. How, where, when, if we have enough money to investigate, do we have an investigator in the area, and any other thought of the year can decide if a incident is a “Confirmed to be Unprovoked Shark Attack”.
These experts keep telling us stupid sharks out there that can’t injure or kill people properly.