New Zealand: Shark Fin to Greenweight Ratios – Circular 2014

Fisheries (Commercial Fishing)
Regulations 2001

Fisheries (Shark Fin to Greenweight Ratios)
Circular 2014 (Notice No. MPI 391)

Pursuant to Regulation 52C of the Fisheries (Commercial Fishing) Regulations 2001,
and after meeting consultation requirements,
the Director General of the Ministry for Primary Industries issues the following circular.

C i r c u l a r
1. Title—This circular is the Fisheries (Shark Fin to Greenweight Ratios) Circular 2014.
2. Commencement—This circular comes into force on 1 October 2014.
3. Interpretation—In this circular, any term defined in the Fisheries Act 1996 (“the Act”) or the Fisheries (Commercial Fishing) Regulations 2001 has the same meanings as in that Act or those Regulations.
4. Shark species for which fins may be landed separately from the body of the shark and associated fin to greenweight ratio—

nz greenweight ratio2








5. Primary fins for selected species of shark—
(a) For school shark, the primary fins are the pectoral fins, first dorsal fin and the caudal (tail) fin; and
(b) for rig, the primary fins are the pectoral fins and dorsal fins; and
(c) for ghost shark, pale ghost shark and elephant fish, the primary fins are the pectoral fins and first dorsal fin; and
(d) for mako shark and porbeagle shark, the primary fins are the pectoral fins, first dorsal fin and the caudal (tail) fin.

Dated at Wellington this 22nd day of September 2014.

Director-General, Ministry for Primary Industries.

Source: New Zealand Gazette, No.114, 25 Sept 2014


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