Marine stingray injuries to the extremities

paper8Published online on 17. December 2013

Marine stingray injuries to the extremities: Series of three cases with emphasis on imaging

S Srinivasan, JIE Bosco, R Lohan


Stingray injuries are usually reported from coastal regions. The injury is caused by the tail spine of the stingray, which can penetrate deep into the soft tissues, and the venom in the tail can cause extensive tissue damage. Imaging plays a very important role in patients with stingray injuries, especially to detect the presence of retained foreign bodies and its complications. We present three cases of stingray injuries to the extremities, with a special emphasis on radiographic findings. Embedded foreign bodies that were radiographically visualized were removed in two of the patients (one patient was discharged at request and was lost to follow-up). We also discuss the types of injuries, clinical presentation, importance of imaging and management considerations in stingray injuries.

Journal of Postgraduate Medicine 2013; 59: 309-11



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