Life-history traits of a small-bodied coastal shark

paperPublished on 06. February 2013

Life-history traits of a small-bodied coastal shark

Adrian N. Gutteridge, Charlie Huveneers, Lindsay J. Marshall, Ian R. Tibbetts and Mike B. Bennett


The life histories of small-bodied coastal sharks, particularly carcharhinids, are generally less conservative than those of large-bodied species. The present study investigated the life history of the small-bodied slit-eye shark, Loxodon macrorhinus, from subtropical Hervey Bay, Queensland, and compared this species’ biology to that of other coastal carcharhinids. The best-fit age model provided parameters of L = 895 mm total length (TL), k = 0.18 and t0 = –6.3 for females, and L = 832 mm TL, k = 0.44 and t0 = –2.6 for males. For sex-combined data, a logistic function provided the best fit, with L = 842 mm TL, k = 0.41 and α = –2.2. Length and age at which 50% of the population was mature was 680 mm TL and 1.4 years for females, and 733 mm TL and 1.9 years for males. Within Hervey Bay, L. macrorhinus exhibited an annual seasonal reproductive cycle, producing an average litter of 1.9 ± 0.3 s.d. With the exception of the low fecundity and large size at birth relative to maximum maternal TL, the life-history traits of L. macrorhinus are comparable to other small-bodied coastal carcharhinids, and its apparent fast growth and early maturation contrasts that of large-bodied carcharhinids.

Marine and Freshwater Research 64(1) 54-65 




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