FAO Species Catalogue: Deep-Sea Sharks of the Indian Ocean

Deep–sea Cartilaginous Fishes of the Indian Ocean

Volume 1. Sharks

D.A. Ebert, 2013

pdf_fao deep sea indian oceanABSTRACT :

This volume is a comprehensive, fully illustrated Catalogue of the Deep–sea Sharks of the Indian Ocean, encompassing FAO Fishing Areas 51 and 57, and that portion of Area 47 off South Africa from about 18°42’E to 30°00’E. The present volume includes 8 orders, 23 families, 46 genera, and 117 species of shark–like fishes occurring in the Indian Ocean deep–sea. It provides accounts for all orders, families, and genera and all keys to taxa are fully illustrated. A species representative account of each genus is also provided and includes: valid modern names and original citation of the species; synonyms; the English, French, and Spanish FAO names for the species; a lateral view and often other useful illustrations; field marks; diagnostic features; distribution, including a GIS map; habitat; biology; size; interest to fisheries and human impact; local names when available; a remarks sections; and literature. The volume is fully indexed and also includes sections on terminology and measurements for sharks including an extensive glossary, and a dedicated bibliography.

FAO Species Catalogue for Fishery Purposes. No. 8, Vol. 1. Rome, FAO. 256 pp






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