May 29th, 2013

South Africa: New shark barrier being tested in Western Cape

Fishery Catch Characteristics and Population Assessment of the Mako Shark

Fishery Catch Characteristics and Population Assessment of the Mako Shark

Published on 19. May 2013 Research Article Commercial Fishery Catch Characteristics and Population Assessment of the Shortfin Mako Shark (Isurus oxyrinchus) in the Western North Atlantic Ocean Juan C. Levesque ABSTRACT: Pelagic sharks, an oceanic group of sharks, are an incidental bycatch in many global pelagic longline commercial fisheries, including the U.S commercial longline fishery

Record sized Leopard Shark landed in Southern California

Record sized Leopard Shark landed in Southern California

Chuck Burguin may have caught a record-breaking Leopard shark (Triakis semifasciata) while fishing off San Diego in the early evening of May 13th.The large specimen weighed in at exactly 51 pounds 3 ounces (or 23.22 kg ) and measured 72 inches (182.88 cm) in length.