Standardization CPUE of shortfin mako sharks caught by Japanese longliners in the Atlantic
Standardization CPUE of shortfin mako sharks caught by Japanese longliners in the Atlantic in the period between 1994 and 2009.
Kimoto, A. and Yokawa, K.
The Japanese logbook system for distant-water longliners started collecting shortfin mako data in 1994. Because part of the Japanese longliners released/discarded their shortfin mako catch and the Japanese logbook system does not require reporting these in the regular base, the catch and effort data on shortfin mako, which were supposed to report all the longline catches, were used to analyze the CPUE. The estimated annual trend suggested that at least no notable changes were occurred in the exploitable abundances of shortfin mako in the both North and South Atlantic.
Collect. Vol. Sci. Pap. ICCAT, 68(5): 1908-1914 (2012)
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