Numerous Sandtiger Sharks caught in Uruguay

Video uploaded by ProfGracielaSlekis on 24.02.2012 ( originally broadcasted by Monte Carlo TV, 24.02.2012 ) :

According to the source , Uruguayan fishermen have caught ‘dozens’ of Sandtiger sharks (Carcharias taurus) in a single day. The catch was landed in Punta del Diablo, a village and seaside locality in Uruguay, Rocha Department, 298 kilometres east from the capital Montevideo.



  1. Dear Sirs,
    We have a report of an attack of a sandtiger shark to a surf man in Rocha Department, Uruguay. We can send it for publish in your page?
    Tnah you very much
    Carlos Prigioni
    Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, Montevideo, Uruguay

  2. Hi Carlos,
    Please send us the info send it to it is great you bring up the incident information is so hard to come by from remote locations.
    Al Brenneka

  3. Thank you very much. In two days i am sending the work for your magazine. we are correcting some english words, so send you in pdf format

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