JNCC Report: Identifying high risk commercially-exploited aquatic organisms in trade

Fish and Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) developing a method to identify high risk commercially-exploited aquatic organisms in trade and an analysis of the potential applications of MEAs

March 2012

Sant, G., Goodman, G., Crook, V., Lack, M. & Oldfield, T.E.E

The following report was commissioned by JNCC to explore means by which a strategic overview could be taken of the risks posed to aquatic organisms (fish and invertebrates) by commercial exploitation for international trade. In doing so, it might then be possible to identify those species at greatest potential risk from over-exploitation and for which the application of multi-lateral environmental agreements such as CITES or CMS , as complementary measures to fisheries management, might make a tangible difference to their conservation and sustainable use.




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