Basking shark harpooned by Frank Mundus

An old video of a baskink shark (Cetorhinus maximus) allegedly harpooned by the shark fishing legend Frank Mundus. The youtube-poster has misidentified this specimen as a ’30 ft Great White Shark’.

Uploaded by jasonzentgraf1954 on 10.01.2012… Quote:

This is a video of a shark hunting excursion lead by Frank Mundus, a world famous shark fisherman. On their outing frank harpooned a 30+ft Great White Shark, this is the video of the crew reeling it in with the ships winch in an attempt to harpoon the tail so they can drag it backwards in order to kill it. They are in a 45ft fisherman boat and the man with the camera is on a spotting deck with the camera being about 15ft above the water. With these dimensions it is easier to assess the size of this massive shark.



1 Comment

  1. Angel

    It is hard to understand why all of these people want every shark on the planet dead or eaten. It just does not matter if it is a basking shark or gw. We have the brains and technology to hunt them does not mean we should hunt them….

    It is clear that the animal was very tired because of the ropes around it for a while before this footage was shot. We need to trophy them as well… That is when they start taping…
    A big basking shark, you can find almost anywhere these days… But the real attaraction is when the call it a great white…. Peter Benchley did the worst that can be done to these animals…I wish humanity will find a clear path to its being other than killing…

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