July 24th, 2012

Reunion Island: The death of a surfer revives the controversy over sharks

Reunion Island: The death of a surfer revives the controversy over sharks

Reunion Island: The death of a surfer revives the controversy over sharks. The following provides an update and more information on the previous article Shark kills surfer off France’s Reunion island. The information-site zinfos974 is reporting that the body of Alexander Rassiga ( 21 ) who succumbed to a fatal shark attack yesterday afternoon at Trois-Bassins located on the...

Shark bites and public attitudes

Shark bites and public attitudes

Published online on 20. July 2012 Short Communication Shark bites and public attitudes: Policy implications from the first before and after shark bite survey Christopher L. Neff, Jean Y.H. Yang ABSTRACT: Public feelings toward sharks are expected to grow negatively following shark bites on humans. Media and government responses are often predicated on this presumptive

Tiger and bull sharks caught in Alabama Deep Sea Fishing Rodeo 2012