Halifax Museum displays Great White Shark Jaw

Great White Shark Jaw at Museum

Press Release by the Government of Nova Scotia, Canada.

Communities, Culture and Heritage
2nd December 2011

The jaw of the first great white shark believed to be found in Nova Scotia is on display at the Museum of Natural History in Halifax.

The rare find came from a 272-kilogram, young female shark that was accidentally trapped in a fishing weir near Economy, Colchester Co. in August.

“The staff at the Museum of Natural History have worked hard to prepare the jaw for viewing,” said David Wilson, Minister of Communities, Culture and Heritage. “It’s a nice addition to the museum’s shark jaw collection. Hopefully it will inspire visitors to learn more about sharks.”

The jaw measures 41 centimetres wide and 45 centimetres high. Skin and cartilage were scraped away to reveal rows of white, serrated teeth. For sharks, teeth are embedded in the gums and naturally break off. Rows of replacement teeth can be seen behind each front line tooth, ready to rotate forward as new teeth are needed. At the centre of the jaw the rows of teeth are up to seven lines deep.

“It’s unusual for great white sharks to be found in the Bay of Fundy,” said Andrew Hebda, curator of zoology, Nova Scotia Museum. “The shark likely travelled along the Gulf Steam before following her prey into the Bay of Fundy.”

Great white sharks prefer temperate and tropic waters compared to the cool waters of Nova Scotia.

The jaw is displayed in the marine gallery at the museum under permit by Fisheries and Oceans Canada.

For more information about the jaw, call 902-424-7353 or visit http://nature.museum.gov.ns.ca .

Source: Government of Nova Scotia. Photo Credit: Museum of Natural History in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Note: Please see the related post 17. August 2011 Great White Shark caught in Canada.

 Update 20. Jan 2012 : VIDEO Preserving a Great White Shark Jaw



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