A Curious Sevengill Shark in Cape Bridgewater Australia
Uploaded by caissonated on 06.12.2011 :
This Seven Gilled shark came & checked us out while spearfishing near Portland Australia. At first it was curious but when it started to get more aggressive we got out of the water. The shark wasn’t injured (neither were we).
All the right actions to prevent a bite, continual facing toward the shark, constant eye contact and where the shark had came within a metre of each human, a pronounced and deliberate widening movement in a self-protective rather than forward threatening manner, – nice one fellas… This is an exceptional display of true nature with an easily assumed response – neither party is wanting to do any more than collect a little dinner and with respect for each others ability to cause harm, caution is exercised by both shark and human. It is just a little sad that spearfishing brings increased risk to an encounter, often no harm done but just one incident is enough for human negativity to ensue against a shark. Spearfishing, where greed is not involved, can be seen as a very conservative fishing method. Next to no impact on non-target species, no seabird or other wasted by-catch, non polluting as long as equipment is properly retained and the ability to see and exercise your catch size limit before any stress is placed upon an animal.