December 1st, 2011

Salmon Shark washes up on beach in Canada

Salmon Shark washes up on beach in Canada

Helmut Nickel, Shark Year Magazine, 01. December 2011 Date: 23. November 2011. Location: Port Hardy, British Colombia, Canada. Species: Salmon shark ( Lamna ditropis ). Size: 150 cm in length ( fork length FL ). The dead shark was found washed up on a beach in Carrot Park. The salmon shark had various external injuries

Records of Sawfishes from Fiji

Records of Sawfishes from Fiji

Published on 1st December 2011 Review of records of sawfishes (Chondrichthyes: Pristidae) from Fiji, with deletion of Pristis zijsron Bleeker, 1851 and Pristis sp. from the fauna Clinton Duffy, Johnson Seeto and Tom Trnski Correspodence Sawfishes (Pristidae) are large shark-like batoids with a distinctive flattened, greatly elongated rostrum armed on each side with a row

Shark tournament issues surface in Oak Bluffs

Shark tournament issues surface in Oak Bluffs

By Steve Myrick, The Martha’s Vineyard Times, 30. November 2011 A group called Vineyarders Against Shark Tournaments petitioned Oak Bluffs selectmen to declare the town-owned marina shark-free. Represented by Sally Apy and Stephen Maxner, the group asked selectmen, at their meeting Tuesday, November 29, to join an initiative promoting a “shark-free marina,” at which shark fishing

Nov 2011 Porbeagle Shark filmed in North Sea