Scientific Papers

Non-lethal efforts to deter shark predation of Hawaiian monk seal pups

Non-lethal efforts to deter shark predation of Hawaiian monk seal pups

Published on 14. September 2012 Non-lethal efforts to deter shark predation of Hawaiian monk seal pups Kathleen S. Gobush and Shawn C. Farry ABSTRACT: More than a decade of shark predation on nursing and newly weaned pups of the endangered Hawaiian monk seal (Monachus schauinslandi) has significantly contributed to a steep decline of the French

Thesis: The magnitude and global distribution of the shark fin trade

Thesis: The magnitude and global distribution of the shark fin trade

Published in September 2012 Using shark catch data to estimate the magnitude and global distribution of the shark fin trade Leah Elisabeth Biery ABSTRACT: China’s economic growth in recent years has led to a rapid increase in shark fin soup consumption, fueling the demand for shark fins and encouraging fishers worldwide to engage in shark

Feeding chronology of six species of carcharhinid sharks in the western North Atlantic Ocean

Feeding chronology of six species of carcharhinid sharks in the western North Atlantic Ocean

Published online on 28. September 2012 Feeding chronology of six species of carcharhinid sharks in the western North Atlantic Ocean as inferred from longline capture data William B. Driggers III, Matthew D. Campbell, Eric R. Hoffmayer, G. Walter Ingram Jr. ABSTRACT: Time-at-capture data for 6 species of carcharhinid sharks were collected during 2692 fishery-independent longline

Movement and habitat use by the spine-tail devil ray in the Eastern Pacific Ocean

Movement and habitat use by the spine-tail devil ray in the Eastern Pacific Ocean

Published online on 28. September 2012 Movement and habitat use by the spine-tail devil ray in the Eastern Pacific Ocean Donald A. Croll, Kelly M. Newton, Kevin Weng, Felipe Galván-Magaña, John O’Sullivan, Heidi Dewar ABSTRACT: The devil-ray family Mobulidae (order Myliobatiformes) comprises wide-ranging, pelagic batoids, but little is known about their basic ecology. We present

Ontogenetic and individual dietary variation within Northeast Pacific white shark population

Ontogenetic and individual dietary variation within Northeast Pacific white shark population

Published on 28. September 2012 Ontogenetic and Among-Individual Variation in Foraging Strategies of Northeast Pacific White Sharks Based on Stable Isotope Analysis Kim SL, Tinker MT, Estes JA, Koch PL ABSTRACT: There is growing evidence for individuality in dietary preferences and foraging behaviors within populations of various species. This is especially important for apex predators,

Predicted habitat shifts of Pacific top predators in a changing climate

Predicted habitat shifts of Pacific top predators in a changing climate

Published online on 23. September 2012 Predicted habitat shifts of Pacific top predators in a changing climate Elliott L. Hazen, Salvador Jorgensen, Ryan R. Rykaczewski, Steven J. Bograd, David G. Foley, Ian D. Jonsen, Scott A. Shaffer, John P. Dunne, Daniel P. Costa, Larry B. Crowder and Barbara A. Block ABSTRACT: To manage marine ecosystems

Morphological and molecular differentiation of smooth-hound sharks from the Gulf of California

Morphological and molecular differentiation of smooth-hound sharks from the Gulf of California

Published online on 24. September 2012 Morphological and molecular differentiation of smooth-hound sharks (Genus Mustelus, Family Triakidae) from the Gulf of California Pérez-Jiménez, J. C., Rocha-Olivares, A. and Sosa-Nishizaki, O. ABSTRACT: The genus Mustelus is the most species-rich of the widespread family Triakidae whereby its taxonomy and systematics have been historically challenging. They represent a

Ontogenetic dietary shifts and feeding ecology of the rasptail skate and the brown smoothhound shark

Ontogenetic dietary shifts and feeding ecology of the rasptail skate and the brown smoothhound shark

Published online on 20. September 2012 Ontogenetic dietary shifts and feeding ecology of the rasptail skate Raja velezi and the brown smoothhound shark Mustelus henlei along the Pacific coast of Costa Rica, Central America Espinoza, M., Clarke, T. M., Villalobos-Rojas, F. and Wehrtmann, I. S. ABSTRACT: Stomachs from 511 Raja velezi and 340 Mustelus henlei

Cone monochromacy and visual pigment spectral tuning in wobbegong sharks

Cone monochromacy and visual pigment spectral tuning in wobbegong sharks

Published online before print September 19, 2012 Cone monochromacy and visual pigment spectral tuning in wobbegong sharks Susan M. Theiss, Wayne I. L. Davies, Shaun P. Collin, David M. Hunt and Nathan S. Hart ABSTRACT: Much is known regarding the evolution of colour vision in nearly every vertebrate class, with the notable exception of the

Social learning in juvenile lemon sharks

Social learning in juvenile lemon sharks

Published online on 30. August 2012 Social learning in juvenile lemon sharks, Negaprion brevirostris Tristan L. Guttridge, Sander van Dijk, Eize J. Stamhuis, Jens Krause, Samuel H. Gruber und Culum Brown ABSTRACT: Social learning is taxonomically widespread and can provide distinct behavioural advantages, such as in finding food or avoiding predators more efficiently. Although extensively

A new species of eagle ray from the Southwestern Atlantic

A new species of eagle ray from the Southwestern Atlantic

Puplished online in August 2012 Morphology and DNA barcoding reveal a new species of eagle ray from the Southwestern Atlantic: Myliobatis ridens sp. nov. (Chondrichthyes, Myliobatiformes, Myliobatidae) N.L. Ruocco, L.O. Lucifora, J.M.D. de Astarloa, E. Mabragaña, and S.M. Delpiani ABSTRACT: Two species of Myliobatis, the southern eagle ray M. goodei Garman and the bullnose eagle

Support for behavioural thermoregulation in reef sharks

Support for behavioural thermoregulation in reef sharks

Published online on 30. August 2012 Heat-seeking sharks: support for behavioural thermoregulation in reef sharks Speed CW, Meekan MG, Field IC, McMahon CR, Bradshaw CJA ABSTRACT: Most fish are ectotherms and for this reason, water temperature is thought to be one of the main physical determinants of behaviour. We tested the hypothesis that behavioural thermoregulation

Discards of sharks by Brazilian leased fleet in 2010

Discards of sharks by Brazilian leased fleet in 2010

Discards of sharks by Brazilian leased fleet in 2010 Andrade, H.A., Ribeiro Simoni, M.E. and Almeida de Melo, M.P. SUMMARY: The pelagic longline fishery catches not only tuna and tuna-like species but also sharks as bycatch. There are some concerns about the populations of sharks that are probably very vulnerable to fisheries. Also, there are

Habitat use and movements patterns of oceanic whitetip, bigeye thresher and dusky sharks

Habitat use and movements patterns of oceanic whitetip, bigeye thresher and dusky sharks

Habitat use and movements patterns of oceanic whitetip, bigeye thresher and dusky sharks based on archival satellite tags. Carlson, J.K. and Gulak, S.J.B. SUMMARY: As part of a larger program to determine the habitat use and movement patterns of pelagic and semi-pelagic sharks, satellite pop-up archival transmitting (PAT) tags have been deployed on sharks in

Review of information of other sharks caught by Japanese longliners in the Atlantic

Review of information of other sharks caught by Japanese longliners in the Atlantic

Review of information of other sharks caught by Japanese longliners in the Atlantic. Yokawa, K. and Ando, T. SUMMARY: In the late-1990s, the Japanese longline logbook system started collecting catch information on oceanic whitetip shark and thresher sharks. In the present study, the logbook information on these sharks was quickly reviewed from the view point