Scientific Papers

Life history characteristics of a lightly exploited stock of Squalus suckleyi

Life history characteristics of a lightly exploited stock of Squalus suckleyi

Published online on 22. March 2012 Life history characteristics of a lightly exploited stock of Squalus suckleyi Tribuzio, C. A. and Kruse, G. H. ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to examine the basic life history of a lightly exploited stock of Squalus suckleyi in the Gulf of Alaska to establish a baseline for

Vision in elasmobranchs and their relatives: 21st century advances

Vision in elasmobranchs and their relatives: 21st century advances

Published online on 22. March 2012 Vision in elasmobranchs and their relatives: 21st century advances Lisney, T. J., Theiss, S. M., Collin, S. P. and Hart, N. S. ABSTRACT: This review identifies a number of exciting new developments in the understanding of vision in cartilaginous fishes that have been made since the turn of the

Fisheries, management and conservation of the whale shark in Taiwan

Fisheries, management and conservation of the whale shark in Taiwan

Published online on 20. March 2012 Fisheries, management and conservation of the whale shark Rhincodon typus in Taiwan H. H. Hsu, S. J. Joung, K. M. Liu ABSTRACT: The Taiwanese government introduced a catch-and-report system for the whale shark Rhincodon typus in 2001, and in the following year limited the total allowable catch (TAC) to

Diet and scavenging habits of the smooth skate

Diet and scavenging habits of the smooth skate

Published online on 20. March 2012 Diet and scavenging habits of the smooth skate Dipturus innominatus J. S. Forman and M. R. Dunn ABSTRACT: The diet of smooth skate Dipturus innominatus was determined from examination of stomach contents of 321 specimens of 29·3–152·0 cm pelvic length, sampled from research and commercial trawlers at depths of

Stable isotopes and elasmobranchs

Stable isotopes and elasmobranchs

Published online on 19. March 2012 Stable isotopes and elasmobranchs: tissue types, methods, applications and assumptions Hussey, N. E., MacNeil, M. A., Olin, J. A., McMeans, B. C., Kinney, M. J., Chapman, D. D. and Fisk, A. T. ABSTRACT: Stable-isotope analysis (SIA) can act as a powerful ecological tracer with which to examine diet, trophic

Biology of the silky shark in the eastern Indian Ocean

Biology of the silky shark in the eastern Indian Ocean

Published online on 15. March 2012 Biology of the silky shark Carcharhinus falciformis (Carcharhinidae) in the eastern Indian Ocean, including an approach to estimating age when timing of parturition is not well defined Hall, N. G., Bartron, C., White, W. T., Dharmadi and Potter, I. C. ABSTRACT: Biological data were recorded for 1265 silky sharks

Spatial Dynamics and Expanded Vertical Niche of Blue Sharks

Spatial Dynamics and Expanded Vertical Niche of Blue Sharks

Published on 29. February 2012 Spatial Dynamics and Expanded Vertical Niche of Blue Sharks in Oceanographic Fronts Reveal Habitat Targets for Conservation Queiroz N, Humphries NE, Noble LR, Santos AM, Sims DW ABSTRACT: Dramatic population declines among species of pelagic shark as a result of overfishing have been reported, with some species now at a

Effects of Ecotourism on Tiger Sharks at the Bahamas

Effects of Ecotourism on Tiger Sharks at the Bahamas

Published on 08. March 2012 Don’t bite the hand that feeds: assessing ecological impacts of provisioning ecotourism on an apex marine predator Neil Hammerschlag, Austin J. Gallagher, Julia Wester, Jiangang Luo, Jerald S. Ault ABSTRACT: Summary 1. There has been considerable debate over the past decade with respect to wildlife provisioning, especially resultant behavioural changes that

Study on Reef Sharks in Marine Reserves on the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef

Study on Reef Sharks in Marine Reserves on the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef

Published on 08. March 2012 Reef Sharks Exhibit Site-Fidelity and Higher Relative Abundance in Marine Reserves on the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef Mark E. Bond, Elizabeth A. Babcock, Ellen K. Pikitch, Debra L. Abercrombie, Norlan F. Lamb, Demian D. Chapman ABSTRACT: Carcharhinid sharks can make up a large fraction of the top predators inhabiting tropical marine

Extinction risk and threat for marine vertebrates in the Eastern Pacific

Extinction risk and threat for marine vertebrates in the Eastern Pacific

Published online on 23. February 2012 Patterns of extinction risk and threat for marine vertebrates and habitat-forming species in the Tropical Eastern Pacific B. A. Polidoro, T. Brooks, K. E. Carpenter, G. J. Edgar, S. Henderson, J. Sanciangco, D. R. Robertson ABSTRACT: Marine conservation activities around the globe are largely undertaken in the absence of comprehensive

Blue shark fin-to-carcass-mass ratios in Spain

Blue shark fin-to-carcass-mass ratios in Spain

Published online on 28. February 2012 Blue shark Prionace glauca fin-to-carcass-mass ratios in Spain and implications for finning ban enforcement  J. Santana-Garcon, S. Fordham, S. Fowler ABSTRACT: This study examines the processing of fins from blue sharks Prionace glauca caught by the Spanish longline fleet and landed in Vigo, Spain, and implications of these practices

Habitat use and spatial segregation of spottail sharks

Habitat use and spatial segregation of spottail sharks

Published online on 02. March 2012 Habitat use and spatial segregation of adult spottail sharks Carcharhinus sorrah in tropical nearshore waters D. M. Knip, M. R. Heupel, C. A. Simpfendorfer ABSTRACT: An array of acoustic receivers deployed in Cleveland Bay, north Queensland, Australia, passively tracked 20 adult spottail sharks Carcharhinus sorrah over 2 years (2009–2010)

New deepwater catshark species from Galapagos

New deepwater catshark species from Galapagos

Published on 05. March 2012 Description of a new species of deepwater catshark, Bythaelurus giddingsi sp. nov., from the Galápagos Islands (Chondrichthyes: Carcharhiniformes: Scyliorhinidae) John E. McCosker, Douglas J. Long & Carole C. Baldwin ABSTRACT: We describe Bythaelurus giddingsi sp. nov. based on 7 specimens collected using the submersible Johnson Sea-Link from deepwater (428–562 m

Elasmobranch Landings in the Persian Gulf Region

Elasmobranch Landings in the Persian Gulf Region

Published online on 21. February 2012 Species, sex, size and male maturity composition of previously unreported elasmobranch landings in Kuwait, Qatar and Abu Dhabi Emirate A. B. M. Moore, I. D. McCarthy, G. R. Carvalho, R. Peirce ABSTRACT: This paper presents data from the first major survey of the diversity, biology and fisheries of elasmobranchs

Post-Capture Survival for Elasmobranchs Discarded in Australia

Post-Capture Survival for Elasmobranchs Discarded in Australia

Published on 27. February 2012 High Post-Capture Survival for Sharks, Rays and Chimaeras Discarded in the Main Shark Fishery of Australia? Matias Braccini, Jay Van Rijn, Lorenz Frick ABSTRACT: Most sharks, rays and chimaeras (chondrichthyans) taken in commercial fisheries are discarded (i.e. returned to the ocean either dead or alive). Quantifying the post-capture survival (PCS)