
Basking shark breaching behaviour observations West of Shetland

Basking shark breaching behaviour observations West of Shetland

Published in 2018 Basking shark breaching behaviour observations West of Shetland Witt M., Godley B.J. ABSTRACT: This study reports observations of basking sharks (Cetorhinus maximus) sighted during an offshore geophysical survey conducted in July and August 2013, west of Shetland, UK. During the 38-day survey, trained and dedicated marine wildlife observers recorded 19 sightings of

Conservation status of New Zealand chondrichthyans 2016

Conservation status of New Zealand chondrichthyans 2016

NEW ZEALAND THREAT CLASSIFICATION SERIES 23 Conservation status of New Zealand chondrichthyans (chimaeras, sharks and rays), 2016 Published in June 2018 New Zealand Department of Conservation PDF-DOWNLOAD  

On the Separation Mechanism between a Shark’s Tooth and Its Jaw Base

On the Separation Mechanism between a Shark’s Tooth and Its Jaw Base

Published on 23. July 2018 On the Separation Mechanism between a Shark’s Tooth and Its Jaw Base, with Special Emphasis on an Observation Made from a White Shark, Carcharodon carcharias Erich K. Ritter, Andreas Dellios ABSTRACT: Feeding is the likely cause for tooth shedding in sharks. Although the overall process of loosing teeth has been

Shark and ray diversity in the Tropical America

Shark and ray diversity in the Tropical America

Published on 20. July 2018 Shark and ray diversity in the Tropical America (Neotropics)—an examination of environmental and historical factors affecting diversity Jorge Domingo Carrillo-Briceño, Juan D. Carrillo, Orangel Antonio Aguilera, Marcelo R. Sanchez-Villagra​ ABSTRACT: We present the first comprehensive review of the present and past shark and ray diversity in marine waters of Tropical

Permanent magnets reduce bycatch of benthic sharks in an ocean trap fishery

Permanent magnets reduce bycatch of benthic sharks in an ocean trap fishery

Published online on 18. July 2018 Permanent magnets reduce bycatch of benthic sharks in an ocean trap fishery R.J.Richards, V.Raoult, D.M.Powter, T.F.Gaston ABSTRACT: Sharks and rays are often caught as bycatch by commercial fisheries, and high incidences of bycatch are partially to blame for the declines in many populations of elasmobranchs. In an effort to

Study of pallial neurogenesis in shark embryos

Study of pallial neurogenesis in shark embryos

Published on 6. July 2018 Study of pallial neurogenesis in shark embryos and the evolutionary origin of the subventricular zone Docampo-Seara A, Lagadec R, Mazan S, Rodríguez MA, Quintana-Urzainqui I, Candal E ABSTRACT: The dorsal part of the developing telencephalon is one of the brain areas that has suffered most drastic changes throughout vertebrate evolution.

Changes in Media Portrayal of Human-wildlife Conflict During Successive Fatal Shark Bites

Changes in Media Portrayal of Human-wildlife Conflict During Successive Fatal Shark Bites

Published on 2. July 2018 Changes in Media Portrayal of Human-wildlife Conflict During Successive Fatal Shark Bites Etienne Sabatier, Charlie Huveneers ABSTRACT: Encounters between humans and wildlife that result in human fatalities can generate public anxiety and increase pressure on conservation managers and governments for risk mitigation. Low probability-high consequence events such as shark bites

Shark Related Injuries

Shark Related Injuries

Published on 26. June 2018 Shark Related Injuries: A Case Series of Emergency Department Patients. Tomberg RJ, Cachaper GA, Weingart GS ABSTRACT: INTRODUCTION: Shark-related-injuries (SRIs) are not thoroughly evaluated in the medical literature given their rare occurrence. Previous studies involve the utilization of large-independent databases and have demonstrated that shark attacks appear to be increasing,

Squalus clarkae sp. nov., a new dogfish shark from the Northwest Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico

Squalus clarkae sp. nov., a new dogfish shark from the Northwest Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico

Published on 09. July 2018 Squalus clarkae sp. nov., a new dogfish shark from the Northwest Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico, with comments on the Squalus mitsukurii species complex MARIAH O. PFLEGER, R. DEAN GRUBBS, CHARLES F. COTTON, TOBY S. DALY-ENGEL ABSTRACT: Sharks of the genus Squalus have slow reproductive rates coupled with low genetic

Discovery of a multispecies shark aggregation in the Ba Estuary

Discovery of a multispecies shark aggregation in the Ba Estuary

Published on 25. June 2018 Discovery of a multispecies shark aggregation and parturition area in the Ba Estuary, Fiji Islands Tom Vierus, Stefan Gehrig, Juerg M. Brunnschweiler, Kerstin Glaus, Martin Zimmer, Amandine D. Marie, Ciro Rico ABSTRACT: Population declines in shark species have been reported on local and global scales, with overfishing, habitat destruction and

Interacting with wildlife tourism increases activity of white sharks

Interacting with wildlife tourism increases activity of white sharks

Published on 06. June 2018 Interacting with wildlife tourism increases activity of white sharks Charlie Huveneers, Yuuki Y Watanabe, Nicholas L Payne, Jayson M Semmens ABSTRACT: Anthropogenic activities are dramatically changing marine ecosystems. Wildlife tourism is one of the fastest growing sectors of the tourism industry and has the potential to modify the natural environment

Age and growth of sharks

Age and growth of sharks

Published on 04. June 2018 Age and growth of sharks: do vertebral band pairs record age? Lisa J. Natanson, Gregory B. Skomal, Sarah L. Hoffmann, Marianne E. Porter, Kenneth J. Goldman, David Serra ABSTRACT: Inaccurate age estimates can have severe consequences in the management of elasmobranchs. Numerous studies in shark age validation have demonstrated a

Feeding behavior and trophic interaction of three shark species in the Galapagos Marine Reserve

Feeding behavior and trophic interaction of three shark species in the Galapagos Marine Reserve

Published on 25. May 2018 Feeding behavior and trophic interaction of three shark species in the Galapagos Marine Reserve Diego Páez-Rosas, Paul Insuasti-Zarate, Marjorie Riofrío-Lazo, Felipe Galván-Magaña ABSTRACT: There is great concern about the future of sharks in Ecuador because of the lack of biological knowledge of most species that inhabit the region. This paper

Greenland shark feeding behavior on static fishing gear

Greenland shark feeding behavior on static fishing gear

Published on 17. May 2018 Greenland shark (Somniosus microcephalus) feeding behavior on static fishing gear, effect of SMART (Selective Magnetic and Repellent-Treated) hook deterrent technology, and factors influencing entanglement in bottom longlines Scott M. Grant​, Rennie Sullivan, Kevin J. Hedges ABSTRACT: The Greenland Shark (Somniosus microcephalus) is the most common bycatch in the Greenland halibut

Movements and habitat use of satellite-tagged whale sharks off western Madagascar

Movements and habitat use of satellite-tagged whale sharks off western Madagascar

Published on 17. May 2018 Movements and habitat use of satellite-tagged whale sharks off western Madagascar Diamant S, Rohner CA, Kiszka JJ, Guillemain d’Echon A, Guillemain d’Echon T, Sourisseau E, Pierce SJ ABSTRACT: Whale sharks Rhincodon typus, the world’s largest fish, are routinely sighted off the northwest coast of Madagascar, particularly off the island of