Chuck Burguin may have caught a record-breaking Leopard shark (Triakis semifasciata) while fishing off San Diego in the early evening of May 13th.The large specimen weighed in at exactly 51 pounds 3 ounces (or 23.22 kg ) and measured 72 inches (182.88 cm) in length.
On May 6th, the North Carolina House of Representatives voted unanimously to add the teeth of a legendary extinct shark species to the list of official state symbols. The related House Bill 830 is entitled as 'An Act To Adopt An Official State Fossil, Frog, Salamander, Marsupial, Folk Art and Art Medium'.
According to a CITES Notification to the Parties ( released on 09. April 2013 ), the CITES Secretariat has been informed that, on 26 February 2013, China entered reservations concerning the listing of the porbeagle shark Lamna nasus and the scalloped hammerhead shark Sphyrna lewini in Appendix III of the Convention.
The following list provides a supplement and continuation of our previous posts from 06. January 2013 Notes on Sharks recently recorded from the Mediterranean and European Region. Twenty-nine notable recent shark records from Mediterranean and adjacent waters ( reported from 06. January 2013 to 25. March 2013 ).
Today, CITES members have voted on four proposals to list five species of sharks ( Oceanic whitetip shark, three hammerhead species, and porbeagle shark ) and two species of Manta rays under Appendix II of the Convention. All proposals have been accepted by meeting the required two-third majority of the votes cast.
On February 9th, Zohar Kritzer was seriously wounded by a shark while scuba diving in Bora Bora. It's a small island that belongs to the Leeward group of the Society Islands in French Polynesia.
According to Surf Session, Matthieu Cassaigne ( from Montpellier, France ) was attacked by a shark while surfing at Noosa in Queensland state on Australia's eastern coast. The incident happened on Friday, January 25th. He escaped with minor injuries to his upper chest and neck.
According to social media reports, this juvenile great white shark was killed and finned by fishermen in Guinjata, Inhambane Province / Mozambique.
Helmut Nickel, Shark Year Magazine, 25. January 2013 Date: reported on 22. January 2013 Location: near Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. Species: Tiger shark ( Galeocerdo cuvier ). Size: said to be 14 feet in length and 1.500 lbs in weight ( other source: 13 feet ). A record from the Caribbean Sea. The catch of
Last year, we already reported about the submitted six proposals to list ten species of elasmobranch fish ( five shark- and five ray-species ) in Appendix II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). See Here
Twenty-seven recent noteworthy Elasmobranch Records from the Mediterranean and European Region ( recorded from 30. September 2012 to 06. January 2013 ).
Tunisian fishermen shoot and kill a great white shark off the coast of Sousse, located ca. 140 km south of the capital Tunis. I assume that these are commercial tuna fishermen. According to the poster, the incident occurred on December 3rd, 2012.
According to Taiwanese media reports, fishermen have caught another great white shark off the island's east coast. The specimen marks the third capture of an adult white shark in Taiwan since late October.
Fishermen have netted another great white shark off the eastern coast of Taiwan. This happened last Friday (November 2nd) in the waters of the Fengbin Township in Hualien County.
Report on a huge Great White Shark and young Whale Shark caught in East Asia. Recent records on an adult great white shark from Taiwan ( Specimen No.1 ) and a juvenile whale shark from southern Fujian province in China ( Specimen No. 2 ).