NSW Primary Industries Minister, Katrina Hodgkinson, said the Great Hammerhead Shark has been listed as a Vulnerable Species and the Scalloped Hammerhead Shark as an Endangered Species in NSW.
Fisheries Management Amendment (Threatened Species Conservation) Order (No 3) 2012 under the Fisheries Management Act 1994 Published 18 May 2012 The Fisheries Scientific Committee established under the Fisheries Management Act 1994, in pursuance of section 220D of the Fisheries Management Act 1994, makes the following Order. Dated, this 8th day of May 2012. Dr Jane
Oceana: EU opposition to management of Mediterranean fisheries is a clear warning for the future of European fisheries reform Despite meeting’s failures, Oceana welcomes Mediterranean shark finning ban and significant steps for shark protection.
Shark Advocates Join New York City Council Member Margaret Chin to Rally for State Legislation to Protect Sharks and Oceans Council resolution calls for end to cruel and unsustainable shark fin trade. May 17, 2012 Oceana, WildAid, NRDC, Defenders of Wildlife, Shark Savers, Born Free USA, COARE, Shark Research Institute A coalition of animal welfare, environmental
Alleged fish dumpers under investigation By Michael Morrah, 3 News, 17. May 2012 A 3 News investigation into fish dumping has led to charges being brought against the captain and factory manager of a foreign-owned trawler. Both have been charged with fish dumping and misreporting of a catch – and it’s not just wasteful
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 14, 2012 Contact: Monica Allen (301) 713-2370 Christine Patrick 301-427-8030 A record six fish populations were declared rebuilt to healthy levels in 2011, bringing the number of rebuilt U.S. marine fish populations in the last 11 years to 27, according to a report to Congress out today from NOAA’s Fisheries Service. This report
Shark Fisheries Regulation: Carmen Fraga MEP accuses European Commission of legislating only to please NGOs and to scorn fisheries sector. Fisheries Committee MEP Carmen Fraga has accused the European Commission of "legislating to please NGOs" and to scorn the fisheries sector, after a Regulation proposal on sharks that is "economic and morally demolishing" for the EU fleet.
Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission NEWS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 4, 2012 ASMFC Spiny Dogfish Board Increases 2012/2103 Quota to 35.6 Million Pounds and Approves Draft Addendum IV for Public Comment Alexandria, VA – The Commission’s Spiny Dogfish and Coastal Sharks Management Board increased the 2012/2013 spiny dogfish quota from 30 to 35.6 million
GFCM – General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean CGPM – Commission Générale des pêches pour la Méditerranée 36th Session – 36ème Session hotel Atlas Medina & Spa, Marrakech, Morocco, 14-19 May 2012 ——————————————————————- EU PROPOSAL FOR GFCM RECOMMENDATION ON FISHERIES MANAGEMENT MEASURES FOR CONSERVATION OF SHARKS, SKATES AND RAYS IN THE GFCM AREA The General
Fishermen happy about new skate rule By ‘ The Cape Codder ‘ , 30. April 2012 CAPE COD —Local fishermen are relieved that the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration’s Fisheries Service increased the overall amount of skates that fishermen can land. The Fisheries Service last Friday issued its final rule for the Northeast skate
Joint Media Release Environmental and Humane Groups Praise Costa Rica for Groundbreaking Proposal on the International Protection of Hammerhead Sharks SAN JOSE, Costa Rica (April 25, 2012)—Humane Society International, Defenders of Wildlife, and Teyeliz, A.C. commended Costa Rica for taking the lead in the international protection of oceanic wildlife by listing the Sphyrna lewini species
By Anne Eckstein, Europolitics, 26. April 2012 The EU regulation forbidding shark finning (the removal of fins from a shark on board a boat before throwing its body back into the sea) will be strengthened by the deletion of special dispensations. Political agreement was reached at the Fisheries Council, on 19 March (see Europolitics4389) and
Media Release by the Green Party of Canada 18 April 2012 SIDNEY, BC - Elizabeth May, Leader of the Green Party of Canada and Member of Parliament for Saanich-Gulf Islands, has tabled the first Green Party bill: Bill C-417 An Act to amend the Fish Inspection Act and the Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act (importation and labelling of...
North West Atlantic Canada pelagic longline swordfish fishery completes MSC certification News Release by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC), 19. April 2012 The North West Atlantic Canada swordfish (Xiphias Gladius) pelagic longline fishery has been awarded Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certification by independent certifier Intertek Moody Marine after IMM’s scientific, third-party assessment determined the
City of Port Moody Regular Meeting of CouncilCouncil Chambers Tuesday, April 10, 2012 at 7:12 PM ( … ) 2. Public Input ( … ) Rebeka Breder, Port Moody, spoke in favour of the proposal to ban shark fin products in the City of Port Moody. As a lawyer, her research indicates that under the