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Pernambuco Brazil Shark Nets to protect Surfers

Pernambuco Brazil  Shark Nets to protect Surfers

04 July 2011 According to an article in ‘Arca Universal‘, the government of the Brazilian state of Pernambuco has announced to install additional anti-shark nets. This measure should protect surfers participating in a forthcoming championship. The officials say that the 100 metres long protective shark net will cost about R$10.000 (ca. US$6400) and will be

Rays absent from Scottish shark survey

Rays absent from Scottish shark survey Sharkatag 2011 – Tope numbers down – no sign of cuckoo, blonde or spotted rays. June 2011. Are Scottish tope shark stocks in decline and will we ever see any rays again? These are two of the questions facing sea anglers and Scottish fisheries managers following last weeks Sharkatag, as, for the third year

Shark Week 2011 TV Shows This year Discovery Channels Shark Week

Shark Week 2011 TV Shows This year Discovery Channels Shark Week

This year, Discovery Channel’s Shark Week runs from July 31 to August 5. TV SHOWS PREMIERES : GREAT WHITE INVASION. Premiering Sunday, July 31. Great white sharks, in large numbers, are now suddenly being found swimming among surfers and vacationers just off beaches from South Africa to Australia, and up and down the coast of

Ocean City Shark Tournament Video (2011)

Oceanic Whitetip Sharks Caught In Tuna Fisheries

Oceanic Whitetip Sharks Caught In Tuna Fisheries

Press Pelease by the Pew Environment Group. 30 June 2011. Sharks Caught in the Jaws of Tuna Fisheries Pew points to plunging whitetip numbers. Governments will soon have a chance to help conserve populations of oceanic whitetip sharks, which have declined so much in the eastern Pacific that catch numbers have been reduced to almost

Egypt Trapped Whale Shark Saved

Egypt Trapped Whale Shark Saved

03 July 2011 Newsletter of the Hurghada Environmental Protection and Conservation Association ( HEPCA ).   Whale sharks are the largest fish in the sea and a unique sight that is imprinted onto the memories of all that have seen it. This majestic filter feeder has become threatened throughout our oceans due to overfishing. On

Shark Video June 2011 Shark in Capraia Italy

White shark spotted in Italy off Capraia Island in the Tuscan Archipelago

White shark spotted in Italy off Capraia Island in the Tuscan Archipelago

A white shark, estimated to be 4 metres in length White shark spotted in Italy off the island of Capraia in the Tuscan Archipelago

Fishermen asked to keep watch for rare river shark Australias Northern Territory

Fishermen asked to keep watch for rare river shark Australias Northern Territory

2nd July 2011 According to an article in, fishermen can help scientists by keeping an eye out for a rare river shark species (Glyphis garricki) which is named after its discoverer, the ichthyologist Prof. J.A.F. Garrick of Victoria University, Wellington NZ. This species grows up to 2,5 m long and inhabits the river systems

Shark Video March 2011 Sixgill shark caught in Greece Lesvos Island

Shark Video Taiwan Sharks at auction in Nanfangao 03 2011

Shark Video Part 1 Shark Finning in Brazil Globo Mar Documentary

Shark Video Part 2 Shark Finning in Brazil Globo Mar Documentary

Shark Video Spanish Shark Fishery Shark Video

Banning Wire Leaders A practical solution for reducing shark bycatch in pelagic longlines

Banning Wire Leaders  A practical solution for reducing shark bycatch in pelagic longlines

The PEW Environment Group ‘ A practical solution for reducing shark bycatch in pelagic longlines ‘ Banning Wire Leaders PDF – Download