April 27th, 2022

Cookiecutter shark bite patterns on pelagic fishes

Cookiecutter shark bite patterns on pelagic fishes

Cookiecutter shark (Isistius spp.) bite patterns on pelagic fishes in aggregated schools in the western equatorial Atlantic Ocean Rafael Menezes, João Paulo Dantas Marinho, Grazielly Campos de Mesquita, Guelson Batista da Silva ABSTRACT: Cookiecutter sharks are pelagic ectoparasites that feed on pieces of flesh from large marine animals. Knowledge on these sharks is still rather

Mitochondrial DNA Reveals Small-scale Population Structure in the California Horn Shark

Mitochondrial DNA Reveals Small-scale Population Structure in the California Horn Shark

Little Sharks in a Big World: Mitochondrial DNA Reveals Small-scale Population Structure in the California Horn Shark (Heterodontus francisci) Sean J Canfield, Felipe Galván-Magaña, Brian W Bowen ABSTRACT: The California horn shark (Heterodontus francisci) is a small demersal species distributed from southern California and the Channel Islands to Baja California and the Gulf of California.

Global shark species richness is more constrained by energy than evolutionary history

Global shark species richness is more constrained by energy than evolutionary history

Global shark species richness is more constrained by energy than evolutionary history Emmaline R. Sheahan, Gavin J.P. Naylor, Daniel J. McGlinn ABSTRACT: Aim To examine the support of two ecological diversity theories- The Ecological Limits Hypothesis (ELH) and the Niche Conservatism Hypothesis (NCH) – in explaining patterns of global shark diversity. Location Global scale and