January 20th, 2022

Predicting and contextualizing sensitivity to overfishing in Neotropical freshwater stingrays

Predicting and contextualizing sensitivity to overfishing in Neotropical freshwater stingrays

Predicting and contextualizing sensitivity to overfishing in Neotropical freshwater stingrays (Chondrichthyes: Potamotrygonidae) Lucifora, L.O., Scarabotti, P.A. & Barbini, S.A. ABSTRACT: Neotropical freshwater stingrays (Potamotrygonidae) are conspicuous components of the South American ichthyofauna, and may be regionally important as an economic resource. The smallest individuals are exploited in ornamental fisheries, while large individuals are caught in

Discovery of a putative scalloped hammerhead shark nursery site at the Galapagos Islands

Discovery of a putative scalloped hammerhead shark nursery site at the Galapagos Islands

Discovery of a putative scalloped hammerhead shark Sphyrna lewini (Carcharhiniformes: Sphyrnidae) nursery site at the Galapagos Islands, Eastern Tropical Pacific Yasuní Chiriboga-Paredes, Ángela Palomino, Lauren Goodman, Florencia Córdova, Viviana Páez, Manuel Yépez, Salvador Jorgensen, Daniel Armijos, Diana Pazmiño, Alex Hearn ABSTRACT: Sphyrna lewini is a viviparous shark that pups in shallow coastal waters. Given dramatic