June 26th, 2021

Challenges and conservation potential of shark-diving tourism in the Macaronesian archipelagos

Challenges and conservation potential of shark-diving tourism in the Macaronesian archipelagos

Challenges and conservation potential of shark-diving tourism in the Macaronesian archipelagos Pedro G. Gonzáles-Mantilla, Austin J. Gallagher. Carmelo J. León, Gabriel M.S. Vianna ABSTRACT: Macaronesia is formed by some of most isolated oceanic islands of the Atlantic Ocean. This region is typically heavily exploited by fisheries; however, in recent years, marine wildlife tourism has become

Delimiting cryptic species within the brown-banded bamboo shark in the Indo-Australian region

Delimiting cryptic species within the brown-banded bamboo shark in the Indo-Australian region

Delimiting cryptic species within the brown-banded bamboo shark, Chiloscyllium punctatum in the Indo-Australian region with mitochondrial DNA and genome-wide SNP approaches Fahmi, Ian R. Tibbetts, Michael B. Bennett, Christine L. Dudgeon ABSTRACT: Background Delimiting cryptic species in elasmobranchs is a major challenge in modern taxonomy due the lack of available phenotypic features. Employing stand-alone genetics