November 1st, 2020

Courtship behaviour, mating evidences and population structure of the Mobula tarapacana in a remote archipelago in the Equatorial Mid-Atlantic Ocean

Courtship behaviour, mating evidences and population structure of the Mobula tarapacana in a remote archipelago in the Equatorial Mid-Atlantic Ocean

Dancing with the devil: courtship behaviour, mating evidences and population structure of the Mobula tarapacana (Myliobatiformes: Mobulidae) in a remote archipelago in the Equatorial Mid-Atlantic Ocean Sibele Alves de Mendonça, Bruno César Luz Macena, Camila Brasilino Botêlho de Araújo, Natalia Priscila Alves Bezerra, Fabio Hissa Vieira Hazin ABSTRACT: The present work aimed at studying the

Parturition time for the Blacktip shark in Southwestern Atlantic

Parturition time for the Blacktip shark in Southwestern Atlantic

Parturition time for the Blacktip shark, Carcharhinus limbatus (Carcharhiniformes: Carcharhinidae), in Southwestern Atlantic Jones Santander-Neto, Leandro Yokota, Thiago Silveira de Meneses ABSTRACT: The determination of the period of parturition and identification of nursery areas are fundamental for the management and conservation of a fishing resource. Through combination of monthly abundance, length measurements, and development time

Use of Small Cetaceans as Bait in Small-Scale Fisheries in Peru

Use of Small Cetaceans as Bait in Small-Scale Fisheries in Peru

Use of Small Cetaceans as Bait in Small-Scale Fisheries in Peru Elizabeth Campbell, Andrea Pasara-Polack, Jeffrey C. Mangel, Joanna Alfaro-Shigueto ABSTRACT: The use of small cetaceans as bait is a practice that has been reported worldwide, affecting the conservation status of vulnerable species. In Peru specifically, it has been documented since at least the late

Assessing the reproductive biology of the Greenland shark

Assessing the reproductive biology of the Greenland shark

Assessing the reproductive biology of the Greenland shark (Somniosus microcephalus) Julius Nielsen, Rasmus B. Hedeholm, Arve Lynghammar, Leon M. McClusky, Bjørn Berland, John F. Steffensen, Jørgen S. Christiansen ABSTRACT: The Greenland shark (Somniosus microcephalus, Squaliformes: Somniosidae) is a long-lived Arctic top predator, which in combination with the high historical and modern fishing pressures, has made