April 5th, 2020

Scalloped hammerhead sharks swim on their side with diel shifts in roll magnitude and periodicity

Scalloped hammerhead sharks swim on their side with diel shifts in roll magnitude and periodicity

Scalloped hammerhead sharks swim on their side with diel shifts in roll magnitude and periodicity Royer, M., Maloney, K., Meyer, C. et al. ABSTRACT: Background Great hammerhead sharks (Sphyrna mokarran) routinely swim on their sides and periodically roll from side to side. A previous study used wind tunnel tests with a rigid model hammerhead shark

Revision of the sixgill sawsharks, genus Pliotrema

Revision of the sixgill sawsharks, genus Pliotrema

Revision of the sixgill sawsharks, genus Pliotrema (Chondrichthyes, Pristiophoriformes), with descriptions of two new species and a redescription of P. warreni Regan Simon Weigmann, Ofer Gon, Ruth H. Leeney, Ellen Barrowclift, Per Berggren, Narriman Jiddawi, Andrew J. Temple ABSTRACT: Recent sampling efforts in Madagascar and Zanzibar, as well as examinations of six-gilled sawsharks in several