November 21st, 2019

Residency and spatial distribution of bull sharks in Reunion Island marine protected area

Residency and spatial distribution of bull sharks in Reunion Island marine protected area

Residency and spatial distribution of bull sharks Carcharhinus leucas in and around Reunion Island marine protected area Marc Soria, Michael R. Heithaus, Antonin Blaison, Estelle Crochelet, Fabien Forget, Pascale Chabanet ABSTRACT: A sudden increase in the rates of shark attacks on humans at Reunion Island has been blamed by some on the implementation of a

Shark tooth regeneration reveals common stem cell characters in both human rested lamina and ameloblastoma

Shark tooth regeneration reveals common stem cell characters in both human rested lamina and ameloblastoma

Shark tooth regeneration reveals common stem cell characters in both human rested lamina and ameloblastoma Gareth J. Fraser, Samar S. Hamed, Kyle J. Martin, Keith D. Hunter ABSTRACT: The human dentition is a typical diphyodont mammalian system with tooth replacement of most positions. However, after dental replacement and sequential molar development, the dental lamina undergoes

Diet of longnose stingray in tropical coastal waters of Brazil

Diet of longnose stingray in tropical coastal waters of Brazil

Diet of longnose stingray Hypanus guttatus (Myliobatiformes: Dasyatidae) in tropical coastal waters of Brazil Michel Donato Gianeti, Leandro Yokota, Rosangela Paula Teixeira Lessa, June Ferraz Dias ABSTRACT: This study investigated the diet of longnose stingray Hypanus guttatus in the tropical waters of north-eastern Brazil. Samples were obtained from monthly sampling of artisanal fisheries from August