October 26th, 2019

Evidence for non-random co-occurrences in a white shark aggregation

Evidence for non-random co-occurrences in a white shark aggregation

Evidence for non-random co-occurrences in a white shark aggregation Adam Schilds, Johann Mourier, Charlie Huveneers, Leila Nazimi, Andrew Fox, Stephan T. Leu ABSTRACT: Groups or aggregations of animals can result from individuals being attracted to a common resource or because of synchronised patterns of daily or seasonal activity. Although mostly solitary throughout its distribution, white

Patterns in abundance and size of sharks in northwestern Australia

Patterns in abundance and size of sharks in northwestern Australia

Patterns in abundance and size of sharks in northwestern Australia: cause for optimism Matias Braccini, Brett Molony, Nick Blay ABSTRACT: Reliable information for population assessments is rare for sharks. We quantified patterns in catch rates and mean size for numerous tropical and subtropical species from 15 years of fishery-independent surveys (2002–2017) in northwestern Australia. This

Golfo Dulce: critical habitat and nursery area for juvenile scalloped hammerhead sharks

Golfo Dulce: critical habitat and nursery area for juvenile scalloped hammerhead sharks

Golfo Dulce: critical habitat and nursery area for juvenile scalloped hammerhead sharks Sphyrna lewini in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Seascape Zanella I, Lopez-Garro A, Cure K ABSTRACT: Scalloped hammerhead sharks Sphyrna lewini are endangered and threatened by fisheries. Along the Eastern Tropical Pacific Seascape (ETPS) adults are protected from fishing near oceanic islands, but juveniles