March 14th, 2015

Genetic Diversity of White Sharks in the Northwest Atlantic and Southern Africa

Genetic Diversity of White Sharks in the Northwest Atlantic and Southern Africa

Published online on 10. March 2015 Genetic Diversity of White Sharks, Carcharodon carcharias, in the Northwest Atlantic and Southern Africa Shannon J. O’Leary, Kevin A. Feldheim, Andrew T. Fields, Lisa J. Natanson, Sabine Wintner, Nigel Hussey, Mahmood S. Shivji, Demian D. Chapman ABSTRACT: The white shark, Carcharodon carcharias, is both one of the largest apex

Basking sharks and oceanographic fronts: quantifying associations in the north-east Atlantic

Basking sharks and oceanographic fronts: quantifying associations in the north-east Atlantic

Published online on 07. March 2015 Basking sharks and oceanographic fronts: quantifying associations in the north-east Atlantic Peter I. Miller, Kylie L. Scales, Simon N. Ingram, Emily J. Southall, David W. Sims ABSTRACT: Summary Understanding the mechanisms that link oceanographic processes and marine vertebrate space use is critical to our knowledge of marine ecosystem functioning,

Fisherman bitten by shark in Mazatlán, Mexico